Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Generative AI Productivity is an Issue, But So is Most IT

Quantifying or documenting generative artificial intelligence value is a top issue, respondents said in a Gartner survey of information technology executives. That really should not come as a surprise, as documenting the value of most technologies in knowledge or office work is challenging. 

And since generative AI is used for customer service interactions, producing summaries, developing code, drafting documents or messages, the issue is how well we can document the productivity lift from virtually any IT tool, in those instances. 

source: Gartner 

Quantifying the productivity gains from new IT solutions in customer service can be surprisingly challenging, experts often say. As applied to customer service agent operations, IT tools are said to improve customer satisfaction, handle volume fluctuations, and reduce training times. But isolating the impact on individual agent output can be difficult.

Generative AI and other IT might increase the number of customer contacts per hour, for example. Chatbots are a substitute for human agents as well, so might contain customer service costs. But that all hinges on the quality of the chatbot to answer the questions customers actually have.  

In addition, customer service involves interactions with various channels (phone, email, chat), making it hard to isolate the impact of IT on a single metric. Improved customer satisfaction might not directly translate to a quantifiable reduction in call times.

But that might not always correlate with improved ability to actually solve a customer problem. In other words, quantity is not the same as quality. 

Also, changes in productivity may not be immediate.  Learning curves, process adjustments, and cultural shifts within the team can take time to settle before the full impact is realized.

Accurately measuring before-and-after states requires clean data and proper attribution. Factors like seasonal variations, changes in customer behavior, or external promotions can skew the results. 

Demonstrating a clear return on investment (ROI) for new IT implemented in customer service can be challenging. Here's a breakdown of the difficulties:

Generative AI also might not eliminate tasks, but rather shift them. Increased efficiency in handling routine inquiries might free up agents for more complex issues, making it difficult to show a direct reduction in overall workload or quality of outcomes. 

Improved agent morale, reduced stress, and better customer experiences are all positive outcomes, but they're not easily captured in traditional productivity metrics like call resolution times.




Key Findings

The Impact of Information Technology on Customer Service Productivity

Brynjolfsson, Erik, et al.

Management Science (1993)

Found that the impact of IT on productivity depends on the specific technology and how it's implemented. Identifying productivity gains requires careful analysis.

Does IT Really Pay Off? Measuring the Effects of Information Technology Investment on Customer Service

Lee, Sang-Pil, and Byung-Il Park

Journal of Service Research (2001)

Highlights the difficulty of isolating the impact of IT on productivity due to the presence of confounding variables. Emphasizes the need for a multi-faceted approach to evaluation.

The Challenges of Measuring the Business Value of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Initiatives

Rust, Roland T., et al.

Journal of Marketing (2004)

Argues that traditional ROI metrics might not capture the full value of CRM systems, which often include customer satisfaction and loyalty benefits alongside productivity improvements.

We might observe similar issues with other tasks GenAI might help with, such as creating documents and text. Past applications of word processing arguably provide speed and quality advantages that are hard to quantify. 

Study Name



Key Conclusions

"The Effects of Word Processing Software on Writing Performance" by Keith S. McNeil

Educational Technology Research and Development


Found that word processing had a minimal impact on writing speed but improved editing efficiency.

"The Impact of Technology on Writing: A Review of the Literature" by Charles A. MacArthur, et al.

Review of Educational Research


Concluded that the impact of technology on writing quality is mixed and depends on factors like task and user skill level.

"The Myth of Increased Productivity: How New Technologies Slow Us Down" by Sherry Turkle

Basic Books


Argues that constant connectivity and information overload can hinder focused work and deep thinking, potentially impacting writing productivity.

"Beyond the Efficiency Paradigm: Rethinking the Role of IT in Knowledge Work" by Wanda J. Orlikowski

Organization Science


Shifts the focus from measuring just efficiency gains to considering how IT can enhance creativity, innovation, and collaboration in knowledge work like writing.

"The Myth of Increased Productivity: How New Technologies Can Slow Us Down" by Daniel H. Pink

Harvard Business Review


Argues that constant connectivity and information overload can actually decrease focus and productivity, even with advanced tools.

"The Paradox of E-Mail: A Sociotechnical Perspective on Communication Overload" by Stefan Klein, Christian Bartsch, and Jan Marco Leimeister

Journal of Communication


Highlights how email, a seemingly efficient communication tool, can lead to information overload and ultimately hinder productivity.

"The Impact of New Information Technologies on Task Performance: A Meta-Analysis" by Steven E. Fiore, James R. Salas, Michelle H. Cuevas, and Cheryl A. Bowers

Human Factors


Reviews multiple studies on the impact of technology on task performance and concludes that the effect can be positive, negative, or neutral depending on the specific task and user characteristics.

Cable TV Was About Linear Programming Choice; Streaming Remains About On-Demand, "Live" Features Notwithstanding

One hears a lot of chatter these days that video streaming bundles are the new cable TV. No doubt, it is a substitute or replacement product for subscription TV, to a growing extent. And yet the allegation that streaming is “becoming cable TV,” often uttered as a negative, might miss important elements of the shift. 

Cable TV was initially a subscription-based way to watch linear broadcast TV for rural residents. Later it had appeal for metro-area residents as a “more choice” vehicle. But all those new and specialized content formats remained linear. 

On-demand consumption of movie and other pre-recorded content was not possible until the advent of the videocassette recorder and the business of video rentals. In one sense this also was an extension of the “more choice” shift of consumption patterns. 

But that arguably was secondary. The primary shift was from linear to on-demand consumption, a trend that continued with the availability of DVDs and then video streaming services. It is not insignificant that Netflix began life as a video rental retailer before making the shift to streaming delivery. 

On the other hand, streaming services are adding more exclusive “live” content as well, largely because of the customer interest in sports programming, for example. Such content aids customer acquisition and retention in the same way that other exclusive content creates differentiation and value. 

All that has financial implications for broadcast, cable TV and video streaming industries, as broadcast TV and cable TV advertising revenue shifts to other venues; cable TV subscriptions decrease and streaming subscriptions increase. 



Broadcast TV Advertising Revenue ($B)

Cable TV Advertising Revenue

Cable TV Subscription Revenue

Video Streaming Subscription Revenue

Video Streaming Ad Revenue

2023 (Estimated)
















































On the other hand, customers can use DVR capabilities to create a sort of on-demand capability for linear broadcast and cable TV programming as well. 

The point is that streaming video bundles are not the "new cable TV." Both cable and streaming are about content choice. But all forms of broadcast TV are essentially linear, with a DVR overlay. Streaming bundles remain an on-demand value proposition; the latest evolution of on-demand video. That remains true even as streaming services add some "live" programming as well.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Will All PCs Eventually be AI PCs?

It’s arguably too early to be confident about market share forecasts for AI PCs. Will they eventually become the standard PC, as smartphones now are the standard phones purchased by consumers? Or will AI PCs remain specialist tools, to a greater or lesser degree?

The issue is less “ability to use AI” and more the issue of the value of local processing. 

One might liken the market prospects to that of consumer-grade or work-grade general-purpose PCs and “workstations” used by some, but not most. 

High-end workstations are used for 3D rendering, video editing, and complex simulations. They prioritize raw local processing power, high-performance graphics cards and large memory capacities. 

AI PCs will feature specialized hardware components like Tensor Processing Units or Neural Processing Units alongside traditional CPUs and GPUs to accelerate AI computations. But that does not necessarily speak to “why” such machines would add value over PCs not including those elements. 

At least for the moment, forecasters see a gradual shift of buying patterns. 


AI PC Market Share (%)

General-Purpose PC Market Share (%)


2024 (estimated)



Canalys, Grand View Research

















AI PCs might be useful for developers or users working on AI training, inference and other AI-dependent workloads. For most consumers, that might include image processing, speech-to-text,  language translation or gaming. 

Some professionals who are AI developers, researchers or data scientists might have work-related reasons that make AI PCs a good choice, if local processing adds value, compared to remote processing. 

It is not clear how much of the video editing or 3D rendering market might be affected. “Professional” use cases might not be supported, but casual and user-generated content might be. 

There arguably is more debate about the PC market than the smartphone market, though. AI already makes general sense for image processing on smartphones as well as speech-to-text. But additional use cases requiring on-board processing will have to be developed. 

The argument for local AI processing on PCs is more complex. AI could personalize software functions, optimize battery usage, or enhance security measures. But it is not certain those tasks must be handled by on-board processors.

AI-specific hardware could significantly improve device performance for tasks such as photo and video editing, gaming, or augmented reality applications, to the extent those features are deemed useful on PCs. 

Battery life might be a constraint for smartphones and laptops, though. And, for most users, additional AI device cost will have to be balanced against “new” and valued use cases. It will take some time for those use cases to develop. 

At least in principle, one might envision a new category of AI PCs half way between workstations and general-purpose PCs. One might also envision an eventual migration of local AI processing to most PCs as a regular feature, at some point. 

Why Marginal Cost of Content Creation is Generative AI's Superpower

Virtually every observer might agree that artificial intelligence will automate laborious tasks and therefore increase process efficiency. A...