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Showing posts sorted by date for query Comcast homes passed. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2024

What are the Natural Limits to Fixed Wireless Market Share?

T-Mobile says it is on track to reach seven million to eight million fixed wireless accounts in 2025, and perhaps as many as 12 million by 2030. 

If there are about 110 million to 125 million U.S. home broadband accounts, that suggests T-Mobile alone--which had zero market share of the home broadband market until recently--already might claim five percent of the market. 

we might estimate that cable TV internet service providers continue to hold the largest share, but with fixed wireless accounts growing substantially.

One of the odd realities of the U.S. internet access business is that--save for a recent Verizon statement, none of the big leaders of the internet access business actually ever says how many homes their networks pass. But Verizon recently noted that is passes 25 million homes

My own past estimates have suggested, out of a total of 140 million U.S. homes (higher than figures some use), that AT&T’s landline network passed 62 million. Comcast had (can actually sell service to) about 57 million homes passed.

The Charter Communications network passed about 50 million homes, the number of potential customer locations it can sell to.

I had estimated Verizon homes passed might number 27 million, which is higher than the 25 million Verizon now says it passes. 

Lumen Technologies never reports its “homes passed” figures, but likely has 20-million or so consumer locations. 

Of course, if one uses the lower 110 million to 125 million figures, then T-Mobile’s share might be higher. It never is very clear whether reported “home broadband” figures include small business locations or not, but most such reports probably do include small business accounts. 

My own past estimates have pegged U.S. homes in the 140 million range based on estimates by the U.S. Census Bureau. As a practical matter, at any given point in time millions of those locations are not part of the cabled home broadband market.

Some units are vacation homes are unoccupied most of the time. Other units are fully unoccupied and therefore not candidates for home broadband services. Some units are boats, trailers or other locations not easy or possible to serve using cabled networks. 

Also, some units are so remote it is economically unfeasible to reach them by a cabled network at all. That might be up to two percent of all U.S. homes. 

AT&T, for example, reports revenues for mobility, fixed network business revenues and consumer fixed network revenues from internet access, voice and other sources. But those are traditional financial metrics, not operating indices such as penetration or take rates, churn rates and new account gains. 

source: AT&T 

Nobody seemingly believes the same effort should be made to measure the number of home broadband provider locations or dwellings reached by various networks. Better mapping, yes. Metrics on locations passed? No. 

And yet “locations passed” is a basic and essential input to accurately determine take rates (percent of potential customers who actually buy). That input matters quite a lot to observers when evaluating the growth prospects of competitors, even if that figure does not matter much for policymakers, who mainly care about the total degree of home broadband take rates, on an aggregate basis. 

The U.S. Census Bureau, for example, reported some 140.5 million housing units housing units as part of the 2020 census. The estimate for 2021 units is 142.2 million units. Assume 1.5 million additional units added each year, for a 2022 total of about 143.6 million dwelling units

Assume vacancy rates of about six percent. That implies about 8.6 million unoccupied units that would not be assumed to be candidates for active home broadband subscriptions. The U.S. Census Bureau, though, estimates there are about 11 million unoccupied units when looking at full-time occupied status. That figure presumably includes vacation homes.

Deducting the unoccupied dwellings gives us a potential home broadband buyer base of about 132.6 million locations. 

That has implications for the theoretical maximum market share any of the leading providers might claim. Depending on one’s choice of the base of addressable homes, and keeping in mind there is overlap between at least one of the cable and one of the telco providers in virtually every territory, Comcast and AT&T are best positioned to lead share statistics, in some future market where skill and resources are full deployed (telcos have largely built or acquired fiber-to-home facilities, for example), simply because their networks pass the most homes. 

That does not speak to actual market shares; only potential share were any particular provider to take 100 percent share of the market within its cabled network footprint. 


Homes Passed

Total Homes Low

Total Homes High

Max Homes Passed Low

Max Homes Passed High
































(not yet applicable)

T-Mobile’s initial foray into cabled networks is important, in that regard, but the potential share stats will not be significant for quite some time, given the small number of homes T-Mobile cabled networks could reach. 

For T-Mobile, fixed wireless is the key to its home broadband share gains. Fixed wireless remains important for Verizon Fixed wireless might become important for AT&T. 

The point is that only AT&T has potential to take significant share in the overall home broadband market, based on its extensive homes passed footprint. Only Comcast and Charter are in the same league. Verizon and Lumen, no matter how well they do in their regions, do not pass a similar number of U.S. homes. 

In principle, T-Mobile gains will be limited by its use of fixed wireless as the primary platform, as that platform appeals to the value portion of the market, for the most part (customers purchasing service at speeds no higher than 200 Mbps). 

Right now, that means T-Mobile’s fixed wireless service, itself limited by T-Mobile only to regions where it has excess capacity, is not available to the up-to-20-percent of the U.S. home broadband market. The T-Mobile addressable market is “homes content with access speeds no higher than 200 Mbps” and further reduced by T-Mobile’s own unwillingness to offer fixed wireless home broadband “everywhere.” 

T-Mobile and Verizon should continue to take market share for some time. Eventually, though, the market segment most attracted to fixed wireless will saturate, leaving the bulk of competition to the cable HFC and telco FTTH facilities. 

In principle, fixed wireless speeds can grow over time, as more spectrum is made available or network architectures move to smaller cells, but there remain physical limits to either of those strategies, especially since the key revenue driver remains mobile device service.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Verizon Flips Assets: Selling then Buying Frontier Communications

Asset flipping in any business is not unheard of, but Verizon’s history with Frontier still seems instructive. In 2010, for example, Frontier Communications purchased rural operations in 27 states from Verizon, including more than seven million local access lines and 4.8 million customer lines. 

Those assets were located in Arizona, California, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington, Wisconsin and West Virginia, shown in the map below as brown areas. 

Then in 2015, Verizon sold additional assets in three states (California, Texas, Florida) to Frontier. Those assets included 3.7 million voice connections; 2.2 million broadband internet access customers, including about 1.6 million fiber optic access accounts and approximately 1.2 million video entertainment customers.

source: Verizon, Tampa Bay Business Journal 

Now Verizon is buying back the bulk of those assets. There are a couple of notable angles. First, Verizon back in the first decade of the 21st century was raising cash and shedding rural assets that did not fit well with its FiOS fiber-to-home strategy. In the intervening years, Frontier has rebuilt millions of those lines with FTTH platforms.

Also, with fixed network growth stagnant, acquiring Frontier now provides a way to boost Verizon’s own revenue growth. The acquisition means Verizon’s FTTH  connections will jump from approximately 7.4 million to 9.6 million, a gain of about 23 percent in one fell swoop. And since home broadband is the primary revenue growth driver for fixed networks these days, that matters. 

source: Verizon 

There are other takeaways. As in the mobile communications business, where Verizon and AT&T, for example, had been focusing on urban footprints and customers, market saturation has forced both firms to plumb rural areas and customers as well as the mobile virtual network operator business and prepaid accounts, where the main focus had been postpaid branded accounts, market saturation has forced the major providers to search in new areas for growth. 

As a byproduct, Verizon might, in some cases, be able to leverage its new fixed network assets to support its mobile network as well (fiber backhaul, for example). 

It is possible there are other strategic considerations as well. T-Mobile, which started out with zero share of the fixed network home broadband market, now is growing based on its use of fixed wireless services provided by its mobile platform.

But T-Mobile is making its first steps towards adding some amount of fixed network access provided by cabled networks as well. For example, T-Mobile has partnered with EQT, a global investment firm, to acquire Lumos, a fiber-to-the-home platform.

T-Mobile also formed a joint venture with KKR, another global investment firm, to acquire Metronet, a leading fiber-to-the-home provider. That acquisition also will expand T-Mobile’s fixed network home broadband market share.

And while it has seemed unlikely that T-Mobile would contemplate moves such as acquiring Frontier Communications or other firms such as Brightspeed itself, that outcome--at least regarding Frontier--is closed. 

On the other hand, the pressure to grow footprint to grow market share remains intact. Brightspeed does appear to have substantial overlap with Verizon’s new fixed network footprint, but duplicated assets might be sold. 

And Verizon appears to face little danger of antitrust action were it to acquire additional fixed network assets, given its modest coverage of U.S. homes. By some estimates, prior to the Frontier acquisition,   

Verizon homes might have numbered less than 25 million, possibly as low as 20 million. 

That is far fewer than top Verizon competitors might claim. 

Comcast has (can actually sell service to ) about 57 million homes passed. AT&T’s fixed network represents perhaps 62 million U.S. homes passed. 

Charter already passes more than 32 million locations, including homes and businesses. 

CenturyLink never reports its homes passed figures, but likely has 20-million or so consumer locations it can market services to.

The point is that additional Verizon acquisitions of fixed network assets, to reach more U.S. homes, might not pose antitrust issues. The Frontier acquisition adds between five million to 10 million potential new fixed network locations (not all upgraded for FTTH, yet, and including business locations). That potentially increases Verizon’s “locations passed” footprint by as much as a third. 

Using Verizon’s recent assertion that, after the Frontier acquisition, Verizon will reach 25 million homes, Verizon would still have some ways to go before it passes as many homes as AT&T, Comcast or Charter, its larger fixed network competitors. 

Frontier is said to have a network reaching 15 million locations, including homes and businesses. A reasonable guess is that at least 10 million of those locations are homes. 

Most of those locations are arguably not good candidates for FTTH investment, which is why firms such as Verizon and Lumen sold off rural footprints in the past. 

If Verizon’s “homes passed” footprint, after the acquisition, is only 25 million, there remains room to add more homes by acquisition.

Brightspeed’s network seems to pass about 6.5 million locations. Most are homes, but not all. Assuming 90 percent are residential, that implies less than six million locations are homes. So even adding Brightspeed assets would only bring Verizon up to perhaps 31 million or so homes, still far less than reached by AT&T, Comcast and Charter. 

The point is that the strategy of selling off rural assets and re-acquiring them later, once a critical mass of FTTH passings and accounts have been created, seems a logical strategy. Verizon’s cost to acquire the Frontier footprint (not customers, but network passings) is north of $1,000 per location, and possibly in the $1500 per passing range. 

Many observers expect that the former Frontier FTTH passings will double within a couple of  years. At current take rates, that also implies a potential additional two million or more FTTH accounts being added. 

Asset flipping remains part of the connectivity business. But it is rare to see a seller reacquire its sold assets.

Friday, May 31, 2024

What is StreamSaver's Business Purpose?

StreamSaver is a new streaming bundle including Peacock, Netflix, and Apple TV that available exclusively to Xfinity customers, in the same way that Xfinity mobile services are only available to Xfinity customers. 

But it might be reasonable to suggest the new bundle will boost Peacock and Apple TV market share by only single digits.

Netflix, Amazon Prime are the clear leaders leaders, with Disney (Disney, Hulu, coming ESPN service) poised to emerge at the top as well. All the others remain well into secondary or tertiary roles, and the new bundle likely cannot move the needle very much.

Of course, Comcast might see the value not so much in Peacock market share growth (Comcast owns Peacock) but in the value of customer acquisition and retention for its overall subscription businesses (mobile service, home broadband, linear TV).

As with Comcast's mobile phone service, the new bundle can be purchased only by existing Comcast customers (home broadband or linear video service). So the effort is primarily to increase the value of Comcast services.

As often is the case with bundles, the value is partly the price. The advantage of product bundles for the end user (aside from the bundles of features) is almost always the lower price. Streamsaver features the ad-supported versions of the services at $15 per month, where the a la carte prices of those services cost between $6 and $10 a month each.

A reasonable question is how many accounts, and how much revenue, that new service could attract.

Perhaps the easiest assumption is that Xfinity customers who already buy Peacock, Netflix and AppleTV+ will be most inclined to switch. Perhaps next most likely to adopt are Xfinity customers who already buy one or two of those services (Netflix as the presumed anchor and leader) and who can be convinced to the other services. 

The other issue is that the new bundle can only be purchased by Xfinity customers buying either home broadband or Xfinity linear video services. And that means the bundle can likely only be considered by people living in roughly half of U.S. homes. 

The potential market issues can be illustrated by Comcast’s similar approach to selling mobile phone service. 

The context is that Comcast will only sell the bundle to its existing fixed network customers. Since the Comcast fixed network might only reach 45 percent of U.S. dwellings, that puts an upward limit on accounts. 

Then the issue is how much market share Comcast can take from the mobile market leaders (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile) that collectively have about 97 percent of the installed base of customers. 

In the third quarter of 2023, Comcast’s Xfinity mobile service had about six million accounts, with revenue growth near 25 percent per year. 

According to the CTIA, there are 523 million mobile devices in the U.S. market with 97 percent of adults owning a mobile phone. Using a (definition of “adults” as those 18 or older, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that in 2020, adults represented 78 percent of the total population, or 258.3 million people.

If 97 percent of those people have mobile phones and service, that implies something on the order of 250.55 million accounts. If correct, Comcast has an installed base of about two percent of the market. 

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there were around 140.7 million housing units in the United States in 2020, about 90 percent occupied. So assume dwellings with people living in them at about 126.6 million, with an average occupancy of 2.5 people, for a total of 316.58 million potential mobile accounts. Assume 97 percent have such accounts, for an implied subscriber base of around 307 million, excluding separate business accounts. 

So the installed base of accounts might range from 250 million to 307 million. Assume Comcast’s network passed about 57 million homes (including small business accounts, that figure could reach 80 million locations, by some estimates. Assume it continues to sell exclusively to its own customers. Assume that its installed base of customers is about 55 percent of homes passed (customers buying internet access or video services). 

That suggests terminal adoption ranging from 31.4 million to 44 million locations. If each location features 2.5 accounts, that implies a theoretical terminal customer base of perhaps 78.5 million to 110 million accounts. 

Those figures are the theoretical maximum, keeping in mind that the leading mobile service providers today have installed bases in the 30 percent range each. According to Statista, in May 2023, mobile market shares were:

Verizon: 34.9%

AT&T: 32.2%

T-Mobile: 29.5%

Other Carriers: 3.4%. 

Many observers believe Xfinity therefore will not reach terminal share as high as 55 percent, even within its own service territory, as its fixed network reaches perhaps 45 percent of occupied homes. So with the present policies, Comcast cannot sell to 55 percent of the market. 

With those conditions, were Comcast to reach relative parity with any of the leading mobile service providers, it might hope to reach a ceiling of about 14 percent total market share (assuming 30 percent as a reasonable share within its sales territory, representing 45 percent of locations). 

The new streaming bundle will face the same geographic limitations as does mobile service. On the other hand the streaming market still is growing, and is not mature, as is mobile service. And, obviously, the attraction of the bundle--for Peacock and AppleTV--is the potential to increase share in a market dominated by Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney. 

Streaming Provider

Estimated Market Share



Amazon Prime Video






Other (HBO Max, Apple TV+, Peacock, etc.)


But the bundle also increases the range of products and value for Xfinity customers. Right now, it is hard to say whether ultimate value comes from growing Peacock share or increasing the value of the Xfinity service overall (reduced churn, for example) or serving as a means of supporting higher revenue per account. 

It might be reasonable to assume all three sources of value will be in play. There are lots of moving parts, though, as most of the other leading or contending streaming firms also are moving to create bundles. 

The coming Disney and Warner Bros. Discovery bundle combines Disney+ with Hulu (including both ad-supported and ad-free options) and Warner Bros. Discovery Max content. 

Also, a new sports streaming service featuring content from Disney (through ESPN), Fox, and Warner Bros. Discovery, Venu Sports, also is launching. Unknown at this point is whether the coming ESPN streaming service will be available as part of that bundle. 

The differences are that StreamSaver can only be purchased by Xfinity customers. The other bundles can be bought by any U.S. consumer.  

Still, the streaming bundles seem to suggest that Netflix and Disney could emerge as the tentpoles of the business. 

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