Monday, December 23, 2024

AI's "iPhone Moment" Will Come. We Just Don't Know When

Some observers might be underwhelmed with the current state of smartphone AI use cases, as they might see somewhat-limited value for other artificial intelligence use cases. There has not yet been an equivalent of an “iPhone moment” when value crystallized in a new way. 

But that is a common theme for any new computing technology. 

In fact, we might argue that prior “iPhone” moments have happened for prior waves of computing technology.

The introduction of the IBM PC in 1981 was a pivotal moment for personal computing within the business world. 

The launch of the Apple Macintosh in 1984 popularized the graphical user interface, revolutionizing how people interacted with computers and making computing more intuitive and accessible to a broader audience.

The Mosaic web browser release in 1993 played a crucial role in popularizing the World Wide Web, making the internet more user-friendly and visually appealing.

The launch of the App Store in 2008 created a new ecosystem for mobile software. 

The debut of Siri on the iPhone 4S in 2011 changed how people interacted with their smartphones.

There arguably is a predictable pattern of new technology incremental improvement, infrastructure development, and the creation of compelling use cases, even if the first implementations are unspectacular. 

Network effects might often explain why value increases over time, but attractive experiences people desire also have to be created. And that typically takes some time and much trial and error, plus creation of ecosystems of capability. 

Ride hailing doesn’t work without smartphones. E-commerce doesn’t work without secure and easy payments. Visual media doesn’t work without broadband. Food delivery doesn’t work without smartphones, location ability, navigation, ordering, payment and fulfillment systems. 

Internet value, for example, grew over time. In the 1970s and 1980s the internet was primarily a text-based tool for researchers and government agencies, used for sharing files and messages.

The World Wide Web brought user-friendly multimedia browsers while internet access moved from slow dial-up to broadband.

Likewise, early web apps were static and limited, offering basic interactivity like online forms. Today’s apps are highly-dynamic, personalized and capable of transaction support of many types. 

Cloud computing, social media, search and e-commerce likewise progressed in similar fashion. 

And there are network effects. Online maps lead to turn-by-turn directions (navigation) to contextual information to ride hailing using smartphones. 

The point is that usefulness develops over time as the ecosystem grows; the platforms improve and innovators create new and desired experiences. 

The “iPhone moment” for smartphone AI might likewise take some time. But it will come.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Satya Nardella Thinks Agentic AI Will Replace SaaS


Agentic AI Could Change User Interface (Again)

The annual letter penned by Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO, points out the hoped-for value of artificial intelligence agents which “can take action on our behalf.” 

That should have all sorts of implications. Today, users typically issue commands or input data, and software executes tasks. With agentic AI, software would do things on a user’s behalf without some amount of explicit work on the user’s behalf. 

When arranging a meeting about a subject, the agent might query attendee calendars, send out invites and prepare an agenda, instead of the many steps a human might otherwise undertake. 

That might change the way some types of software are created, allowing non-technical people to create apps. A user might tell an agent to “build a basic web app for a recipe database,” without coding knowledge. 

Lots of other manual tasks might also be automated. Think of photo tags. Instead of manual tag creation, an agent could automatically tag photos and create collections. 

Agents might draft routine reports or monitor and adjust system performance, without active human intervention. Where today software “waits” for a directive, agents would work in the background, anticipating what needs to be done, and often doing that. 

Agents could also enhance levels of personalization already based on user behavior and preferences that might not always be explicitly stated. 

There are several key changes in user interaction with computers and software. First, a shift in user interface: “a new natural user interface that is multimodal,” he says. 

Think back to the user interfaces of the past, and the progression. We started with command line interfaces requiring typing on a keyboard in a structured way. No audio, no video, no speech, no gestures, no mouse or pointing. 

Over time, we got graphical, “what you see is what you get” mouse-oriented interactions, which were a huge improvement over command line interfaces. Graphical interfaces meant people could use and control computers without the former technical knowledge. 


Time Period

Interface Type

Key Features

Impact on Usability

Batch Processing


Punch Cards

Input via physical cards with holes representing data and commands.

Required specialized knowledge; interaction was slow and indirect.

Command-Line Interfaces (CLI)


Text-Based Commands

Typing commands into a terminal to execute programs or tasks.

Greater flexibility for users but required memorization and technical expertise.

Graphical User Interfaces (GUI)


Visual Desktop Interface

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) design; icons, windows, and mouse control.

Made computers accessible to non-technical users; revolutionized personal computing.

Web-Based Interfaces


Internet Browsers

Interfacing through websites using hyperlinks and forms.

Simplified information access and expanded computer use to online interactions.

Touchscreen Interfaces


Multi-Touch Gestures

Direct manipulation of elements on-screen using fingers.

Intuitive for all age groups; foundational for smartphones and tablets.

Voice Interfaces


Natural Language Commands

Voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant.

Enabled hands-free operation but often struggles with context and nuance.

Beyond that, AI should bring multimodal and multimedia input and output” speech, images, sound and video. Not just natural language interaction, but multimedia input and output as well.

Beyond that, software will become more anticipatory and more able to “do things” on a user’s behalf. 

Nadella places that within the broader sweep of computing. “Can computers understand us instead of us having to understand computers?”

“Can computers help us reason, plan, and act more effectively” as we digitize more of the world’s information?

The way people interact with software also could change. Instead of “using apps” we will more often “ask questions and get answers.”

Nvidia Jetson Gives Generative AI It's Own Platform


Now here’s a switch: Nvidia hobbyist AI computers, supporting generative artificial intelligence apps (chatbots, for example) created using the Nvidia Jetson platform. 

The new machines are designed for hobbyists, commercial AI developers, and students to create AI applications, including chatbots and robotics, for example. 

Jetson modules are optimized for running AI models directly on embedded systems, reducing the need for sending data back and forth to the cloud, crucial for real-time decision-making in applications such as robotics, drones, autonomous vehicles, smart cameras, and industrial Internet of Things, for example. 

The developer kit features an NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPU and a 6-core Arm CPU, supporting multiple edge AI applications and high-resolution camera inputs and sells for about $250. 

 The Jetson modules are designed to enable edge AI applications that require real-time, high-performance processing at the edge rather than in a centralized cloud environment. Use cases might include autonomous vehicle real-time image and sensor data processing to enable navigation and decision-making. 

Robotics use cases include object recognition, motion planning, and human-robot interaction. The modules also can support smart cameras for security applications that require object detection, face recognition, and anomaly detection. 

Industrial Internet of Things use cases include the monitoring of machinery and systems used for real-time analysis. Unmanned aerial vehicles use cases include visual navigation, obstacle avoidance, and image-based inspection. 

At least in one respect, the Jetson is a sort of upside-down case of computer development. Personal computers started out as hobbyist machines entirely for edge computing (though we did not use the term at the time). 

Connected computing at remote locations (cloud computing) developed later. For AI, sophisticated remote processing in the cloud or enterprise-style data centers happened first, and now we get development of platforms aimed strictly at edge, “autonomous” computing without the requirement for connection to remote processing.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Will AI Actually Boost Productivity and Consumer Demand? Maybe Not

A recent report by PwC suggests artificial intelligence will generate $15.7 trillion in economic impact to 2030. Most of us, reading, seeing or hearing that estimate, will reflexively assume that means an incremental boost in global economic growth of that amount. 

Actually, even PwC says it cannot be sure of the net AI impact, taking into account all other growth-affecting events and trends. AI could be a positive, but then counteracted by other negative trends. 

Roughly 55 percent of the gains are estimated from “productivity” advances, including automation of routine tasks, augmenting employees’ capabilities and freeing them up to focus on more stimulating and higher value adding work, says PwC. 

As much as we might believe those are among the benefits, most of us would also agree we would find them hard to quantify too closely. 

About 68 percent will come from a boost in consumer demand: “higher quality and more

personalized products and service” as well as “better use of their time,” PwC says. Again, that seems logical enough, if likewise hard to quantify. 

source: PwC 

Just as important, be aware of the caveats PwC also offers. “Our results show the economic impact of AI only: our results may not show up directly into future economic growth figures,” the report states.

In other words, lots of other forces will be at work. Shifts in global trade policy, financial booms and busts, major commodity price changes and geopolitical shocks are some cited examples. 

The other issue is the degree to which AI replaces waning growth impact from older, maturing technologies and growth drivers, and how much it could be additive.

“It’s very difficult to separate out how far AI will just help economies to achieve long-term average growth rates (implying the contribution from existing technologies phase out over time) or simply be additional to historical average growth rates (given that these will have factored in major technological advances of earlier periods),” PwC consultants say. 

In other words, AI might not have a lot of net additional positive impact if it also has to be counterbalanced by declining impact from legacy technologies and other growth drivers. 

Thank PwC consultants for reminding us how important assumptions are when making forecasts about artificial intelligence or anything else. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

AI Agents are to AI as the Web and Broadband Were to the Internet

In the early days of the internet, people could mostly share text on bulletin boards. Web browsers allowed us to use video, audio and text. We moved from learning things or sharing things to being able to "do things." We could shop, for example, transfer money and consume all sorts of video and aural content (podcasts, streaming entertainment video). 

Our use of artificial intelligence is likely to move through some similar stages, particularly the ability to shift from learning things (answering text questions) to analyzing things to "doing things," which is what AI agents promise. 

When Will AI's "iPhone Moment" Happen?

Where are the expected big winners from AI, over the longer term, beyond the immediate winners such as Nvidia in the graphics processor unit market? To put it another way, when will some firm, in some industry (existing or emerging) have an "iPhone moment" when the value of AI crystalizes in a really-big way?

In other words, even if most firms and people are eventually expected to profit from using AI, will there be new Googles, Facebooks, Amazons, and if, so, where will we find them?

Here's the gist of the problem: ultimate winners that fundamentally reimagined or created entire industries were not obvious. In the internet era, experts thought their ideas were impractical or impossible.

Amazon initially was viewed as just an online bookstore. 

When Larry Page and Sergey Brin first developed their search algorithm at Stanford, most people didn't understand how a search engine could become a multi-billion dollar company, as even the revenue model was unclear. 

Netflix was often mocked by traditional media and entertainment companies. Blockbuster (the video rental retailer) had an opportunity to buy Netflix for $50 million in 2000 and declined. Blockbuster is gone; Netflix leads the streaming video market. 

When first launched, Airbnb would have seemed to many a risky concept, especially for hosts renting space in their own lived-in homes. 

The idea of getting into a stranger's personal car as a transportation method might have seemed radical and unsafe when Uber first launched.

Many thought the concept of transferring money online seemed dangerous (PayPal). 

The point is that big winners are often hard to discern. And even when a field is considered promising, eventual winners often look just like all their other competitors, at first. 

Right now, most of us seem to agree that infrastructure (GPUs; GPU as a service; AI as a service; transport and data center capacity) is the place where significant gains are obvious.

Beyond that, there is much less certainty.

We might not experience anything “disruptive” or “revolutionary” for some time. Instead, we’ll see small improvements in most things we already do.

And then, at some point, we are likely to experience something really new, even if we cannot envision it, yet. 

Most of us are experientially used to the idea of “quantum change,”  a sudden, significant, and often transformative shift in a system, process, or state. Think of a tea kettle on a heated stove. As the temperature of the water rises, the water remains liquid. But at one point, the water changes state, and becomes steam.

Or think of water in an ice cube tray, being chilled in a freezer. For a long time, the water remains a liquid. But at some definable point, it changes state, and becomes a solid. 

That is probably how artificial intelligence will feature hundreds of evolutionary changes in apps and consumer experiences that will finally culminate in a qualitative change. 

In the history of computing, that “quantity becomes quality” process has been seen in part because new technologies reach a critical mass. Some might say these quantum-style changes result from “tipping points” where the value of some innovation triggers widespread usage. 

Early PCs in the 1970s and early 1980s were niche products, primarily for hobbyists, academics, and businesses. Not until user-friendly graphical interfaces were available did PCs seem to gain traction.

It might be hard to imagine, but GUIs that allow users to interact with devices using visual elements such as icons, buttons, windows, and menus, was a huge advance over command line interfaces. Pointing devices such as a  mouse, touchpad, or touch screen are far more intuitive for consumers than CLIs that require users to memorize and type commands.

In the early 1990s, the internet was mostly used by academics and technologists and was a text-based medium. The advent of the World Wide Web, graphical web browsers (such as  Netscape Navigator) and commercial internet service providers in the mid-1990s made the internet user-friendly and accessible to the general public.

Likewise, early smartphones (BlackBerry, PalmPilot) were primarily tools for business professionals, using keyboard interfaces and without easy internet access. The Apple iPhone, using a new “touch” interface, with full internet access, changed all that. 

The point is that what we are likely to see with AI implementations for mobile and other devices is an evolutionary accumulation of features with possibly one huge interface breakthrough or use case that adds so much value that most consumers will adopt it. 

What is less clear are the tipping point triggers. In the past, a valuable use case sometimes was the driver. In other cases it seems the intuitive interface was key. For smartphones it possibly was a combination of elegant interface; multiple-functions (internet access in the purse or pocket; camera replacement; watch replacement; PC replacement; plus voice and texting) 

The point is that it is hard to point to a single “tipping point” value that made smartphones a mass market product. While no single app universally drove adoption, several categories of apps--social media, messaging, navigation, games, utility and productivity-- all combined with an intuitive user interface, app stores and full internet access to make the smartphone a mass market product. 

Regarding consumer AI integrations across apps and devices, we might see a similar process. AI will be integrated in any evolutionary way across most consumer experiences. But then one particular crystallization event (use case, interface, form factor or something else) will be the trigger for mass adoption. 

For a long time, we’ll be aware of incremental changes in how AI is applied to devices and apps. The changes will be useful but evolutionary. 

But, eventually, some crystallization event will occur, producing a qualitative change, as all the various capabilities are combined in some new way. 

“AI,” by itself, is not likely to spark a huge qualitative shift in consumer behavior or demand. Instead, a gradual accumulation of changes including AI will set the stage for something quite new to emerge.

Users and consumers are unlikely to see disruptive new possibilities for some time, until ecosystems are more-fully built out and then some unexpected innovation finally creates a tipping point moment such as the “iPhone moment,” a transformative, game-changing event or innovation that disrupts an industry or fundamentally alters how people interact with technology, products, or services. 

It might be worth noting that such "iPhone moments" often involve combining pre-existing technologies in a novel way. The Tesla Model S, ChatGPT, Netflix, social media and search might be other examples. 

We’ll just have to keep watching.

AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Market Share: Definitions Matter

Compared to Amazon or Alphabet, Microsoft has a greater percentage of its revenue generated by “cloud” services, in large part because Micro...