Wednesday, February 4, 2009

60% of Workers Use Social Networking Sites

About 60 percent of working Americans (18 years old or more) used one or more social networking sites at end of 2008, according to Compass Intelligence. About 35 percent of working Americans say they use Facebook, while 29 percent say they use LinkedIn.

About 60 percent of working Americans not using social networking say they don't use them because "it's not a good use" of their time. 

Conferencing Now the Lead UC Application, It Seems

I've been speaking on, and running, panel sessions on unified communications for some time, as have many of my other associates who follow UC. I've noticed a shift early this year: people now are talking a lot more about conferencing, and less about integrating voice, instant messaging,email,  mobile and fixed services. 

What that suggests is that "what is selling" is conferencing. It might, or might not, suggest a certain sluggishness of buyer response to the more-traditional pitches. 

Jill Taylor, product marketing executive for Verizon Business, says  "conferencing is becoming the lead product for UC." That's a switch. 

Verizon Business is one of the first global service providers to integrate audio and Web conferencing services across multiple leading IM services, including IBM Lotus Sametime Unified Communications and Collaboration, Microsoft Office Live Communications Server  2005 and the Cisco Jabber XCP, says Taylor. 

"I don't know that it is the economic climate solely, but it plays there," she says. The idea is to use a presence-based client to escalate into an audio or a net session, making the meeting experience more intuitive, instantaneous and flexible, Taylor says.

Sametime, Lotus, Jabber are supported. Also some additional integration: leader can launch other features such as Web moderator, a call management tool that allows you to visually see who is on a call, record a session as well. Better integration from the desktop. Lots more intuitive. 

The push for Jabber conferencing came from the finance and pharmaceutical communities, which are key Jabber user verticals.

The new tools are available immediately for U.S.-based organizations and are scheduled to be rolled out internationally later this year, along with Verizon audio and net conferencing integration with Microsoft Office Communicator 2007. 

Also, Verizon Business is calling the new features "spontaneous collaboration." The linguistic shift is important. "UC" is a reasonable provider-side description. But it doesn't necessarily resonate with end users. "Spontaneous collaboration" is better. From an end user perspective, it better describes "something I can do."

More 3G, But Majority of Users Don't Use Broadband Features?

Use of smart phones with full HTML browsers that offer a true Internet browsing experience increased steadily in 2008, according to comScore. 

So mobile browsing  grew 34 percent during
the year. But users on 3G networks grew 43 percent from November 2007 to November 2008.

So the percentage of 3G users using the mobile Web did not change over 2008. In fact, the percentage of 3G users who do not use the mobile Web might have slipped a bit. 

Monday, February 2, 2009

More Data, Though Impressionistic, on Small Business....

It has been my contention over the last several months that no matter what enterprises might be doing, small businesses are behaving in quite different ways. Trent Johnsen, SMB Phone executive, says he is hearing from Canadian VARs and business phone specialists that business is pretty much where you would expect it to be, at this month of any year, and over the last several months.

Microsoft Response Point executives say they are hearing the same things from their talks with U.S. channel partners.

Curious, isn't it? There are indications, some impressionistic, some more structured, that small businesses in North America are behaving in counter-intuitive ways. Sure, they'll be careful.
But there is some evidence of consistency and stability in their hiring of people, expansion of business and buying of communications technology solutions.

Nobody's safe anymore!

It's actually very funny to watch a dinner table full of bloggers whip out their mobiles and start tweeting and posting when somebody at the table says "hey, any of you guys ever heard of this company? They've done some really savvy stuff."

First of all its a dark room and then all of a sudden the backlit screens come up. Then the thumb typing starts.

Nobody's safe anymore!

Just a Couple of Compliments....

I have taken some ribbing this week at the IT Expo (nice job, Rich) on account of my tanned complexion, earned at the Pacific Telecommunications Council and while giving a couple of keynotes for the Alaska Telecommunications Association meeting (Well, most of the ribbing came from Andy Abramson, I'd have to say...some people just thought I looked relaxed...)

I will say a couple of things about our Telco 2.0 panel at PTC, where I shared a stage with Network IP (Jaduka), MetaSwitch and IntelePeer.

First, I have maintained for some time (and reiterated from the stage) that Network IP is the most underestimated company in the IP communications space. As far as vision, they get it. As far as company effort to make that vision a reality, they are doing more than is apparent on the surface. I like "old time" telephone industry companies that grew up on voice and now are trying really hard to make sure voice is even more relevant in the future.

I believe Network IP/Jaduka will startle some people, soon.

I got a chance to work with IntelePeer again at the IT Expo, and likewise continue to be impressed with how much thought the company has given to "a la carte" approaches to voice and communications applications. If you knew the company five years ago, you might not recognize it today. But more important is the thinking behind ways new applications using voice can be created in non-monolithic ways.

Finally, at least one or two people might have been surprised to see MetaSwitch on the Telco 2.0 plenary panel. But, likewise, I have known this company for a while. It is among the firms firmly established in the "old" business that are working really hard to be even more relevant in the "new" business. I believe we will see further signs of that effort this year.

There are some people who continue to say that old legacy telco companies will not survive the world that is coming, or should not. Well, that remains to be seen. But I suspect some people underestimate their ability to change.

Human creativity and grit are not to be found only among the ranks of the bleeding edge "Web" companies out there. Lots of people in the old "legacy" business are quite capable of leading a transformation and transition to something that will look quite different.

I also will say that my time with the ATA members points out just how demanding this sort of work is. One has to adapt to the advanced technologies, while at the same time gearing those tools to be used by service providers and their customers who might not care a whit for the coolness and cleverness demonstrated at the leading edge.

Those of you who are technical, check this out, when you finally can. Courtesy of Thomas Howe. For those of you who don't think you can start a new company like the one you just left, in 48 hours.

AI Will Improve Productivity, But That is Not the Biggest Possible Change

Many would note that the internet impact on content media has been profound, boosting social and online media at the expense of linear form...