Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Apple Has the Best Ecosystem

Aside from the fact that Apple has the best ecosystem, including the best-developed app store and a range of devices ranging from tablets to smartphones to Wi-Fi devices and MP-3 players, it also has the "image" factor going for it. People just think Apple devices are "cool."

which operating system associated with the coolest phones

Apple Now Has 200 Million iTunes Accounts

An interesting factoid from the iPad 2 launch event: Apple CEO Steve Jobs said 200 million people now have Apple ID (iTunes) accounts tied to credit cards.

"It’s very likely that this is the most accounts with cards anywhere on the Internet,” Jobs said. That could have implications for mobile payments, don't you think?

iPad Demand Shifted Within First 4 Months

Women appear to be gaining on men as the fastest growing segment of early iPad adopters. In fact, within four months of launch, the female-to-male ratio of iPad users shifted from 1:2 to 2:3 according to figures from Yahoo.

iPad 2 Will Claim 80% Of US Tablet Market Share In 2011

The first thing consumers will notice about the iPad 2 is how it feels: Lighter (by a crucial 2 ounces) and thinner (at 8.8mm, thinner than an iPhone 4), says Forrester Research.

The new iPad 2 comes in not just black but white, with multiple colors in the thin 'smart covers' that snap into place with 'auto-aligning magnets' and clean those unsightly fingerprints off your screen.

iPad 2 Unveiled: Faster, Thinner, and Two Cameras

The new iPad is thinner, faster and features two cameras, as the early speculation had suggested. It is about the thickness of the iPhone 4, about half as thick as the first iPad. Graphics performance was improved, and a new chip called the A5 powers the device.

Two cameras are on the iPad 2, one facing the front and one facing the rear. They can capture video as well.

Apple will ship the new iPad 2 next week and it will be available in two colors—black and white—for the same prices as the original iPad, starting at $499.

Apple iPad 2 Debuts Today

Web TV Issues

AI Will Improve Productivity, But That is Not the Biggest Possible Change

Many would note that the internet impact on content media has been profound, boosting social and online media at the expense of linear form...