Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Smart City Benefits for Citizens

A report on smart cities by McKinsey. 

Is Edge Computing Just Hype?

No, Ericsson says.

Wi-Fi Offload Might Grow in Early Years of 5G

The amount of traffic offloaded from smartphones will be 59 percent by 2022, Cisco predicts.

The amount of traffic offloaded from 4G was 57 percent at the end of 2017, and it will be 59 percent by 2022, Cisco estimates. On 5G networks, Wi-Fi offload could be as high as 71 percent, Cisco estimates.

The amount of traffic offloaded from 3G will be 40 percent by 2022, and the amount of traffic offloaded from 2G will be 30 percent.

“As 5G is being introduced, while we expect plans to be generous with data caps and speeds will be higher than ever, the new application demands on 5G are also going to move upwards as well encouraging similar behaviors of offload as 4G,” Cisco believes.

Also, the fixed network will continue to supply most of the actual consumed bandwidth, as much as 80 percent, in 2022, Cisco estimates.

The offload percentage on 5G is estimated to be 71 percent by 2022. However, as the 5G network matures, we may see offload rates come down, Cisco says.

AI Will Improve Productivity, But That is Not the Biggest Possible Change

Many would note that the internet impact on content media has been profound, boosting social and online media at the expense of linear form...