Monday, July 21, 2014

Gigabit Network for Time Warner Cable in Los Angeles?

With the caveat that responding to a request for information is not the same as submitting a firm propisal, Time Warner Cable announced the company is "participating in the City of Los Angeles' request for information (RFI) process for the development of a communitywide broadband network that delivers gigabit-capable, high-speed, high-quality and affordable broadband connections to residences, businesses and city government."

TWC's response includes detailed information on its current and future network and product enhancements that will enable Time Warner Cable to deliver gigabit-per-second speeds for consumers in Los Angeles across TWC's existing network that already spans the city and neighboring communities.

That is a somewhat different matter, some would argue, than offering to build a citywide network on terms the city seeks.

But if a gigabit network is built, even only where Time Warner Cable operates, that would be significant.

It might also be useful for Comcast, which wants to buy Time Warner Cable. That promise could help regulators justify approval of the acquisition effort.

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