Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Internet Access Speeds Increase 36% in One Year

Fixed broadband speeds in the United States are rapidly increasing, according to Ookla. Over the last year, average (mean) download speeds grew 36 percent, while upload speeds increased 22 percent.

In the third quarter of 2018, the average download speed over U.S. fixed networks in the U.S. was 95.25 Mbps. Average upload speed was 32.88 Mbps, Ookla says.

“On average, U.S. consumers should have few complaints about recent increases in internet speeds,” says Ookla. Of course, rarely is anything “average” relating to the internet. There are wide variances by state, rural and urban areas, anyone would note.

Comcast was was the fastest provider in the United States as a whole, in nine states and in 17 of the country’s largest cities. Cox tied for second fastest at the national level and was fastest in three states and 19 cities. Charter Communications tied with Cox at the country level and was fastest in six cities, tying for a seventh. Charter was also the fastest provider in 19 cities.

Comcast was the fastest provider in the U.S. with a “Speed Score”  of 104.7 Mbps. Verizon and Cox are close behind in a tie for second with a Speed Score of 102.57 and 101.84, respectively. Spectrum was next, followed by AT&T and CenturyLink.

The Speed Score incorporates a measure of each provider’s download and upload speed to rank network speed performance (90 percent of the final Speed Score is attributed to download speed and the remaining 10 percent to upload speed).

“The Speed Score uses a modified trimean to demonstrate the download and upload speeds that are available across a provider’s network,” says Ookla. “We take speeds from the 10th percentile, 50th percentile (also known as the median), and 90th percentile, and combine them in a weighted average using a 1:2:1 ratio, respectively.”

“We place the most emphasis on the download speeds and median speeds as those represent what most network providers’ customers will experience on a day-to-day basis,” says Ookla.

Ookla says the speed upgrades has had a significant impact on global speed rankings. The United States now ranks about seventh globally in terms of download speed.

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