Showing posts with label Weave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weave. Show all posts

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Firefox Goes Cloud Computing

Firefox has taken a step towards cloud computing by releasing the first version of Weave, a way to blend of the desktop and the Web through deeper integration of the browser with online services.

Basically, Weave pushes browser metadata (bookmarks, history, customizations into the cloud so it can be retrieved and used on any machine. The metadata is transparently reflected everywhere an individual gets online. Weave also will provide a basic framework for easily sharing and delegating access to this metadata to friends, family and third-parties. And it's a Mozilla product so there will application program interfaces for developers.

Mozilla intends to provide the infrastructure and an consistent model for how a user can open up their browser metadata to friends and third-party applications.

Will AI Exceed Internet in Terms of Producitivity Gains?

If the value of the internet had to be summed up in just one word, that would probably be “connectivity:” people to people; people to apps; ...