Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Global Telecom Capex to Fall in 2009, Accelerate in 2011

Global telecom capital spending will decline in 2009,compared to 2008 levels, say researchers at Insight Research.

Spending will accelerate in 2011, driven in part by wireless and broadband spending in developing regions such as India and China, Insight Research predicts.

Between 2008 and 2013, those investments will drive global revenue from the current $2 trillion level to more than $3 trillion, the company projects.

MDU Developers Turn to Broadband

New research from Parks Associates indicates high-tech amenities like broadband, security, and energy controls positively influence the sale and rental of multifamily properties.

Researchers found nearly 50 percent of multiple-dwelling unit developers are seeking new electronic products and services that will differentiate their properties in an increasingly competitive market.

In particular, in-unit broadband service is becoming a “must-have” feature, with 60 percent of multi-family units offering some form of high-speed Internet. Security systems and monitoring services, electronic locks, and energy/utility management systems are also becoming more common in order to increase the speed of sale or rental of an MDU property.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

No Wireless Data Dip

Wireless analyst Chetan Sharma sees no sign yet of any weakening of mobile data revenues from the AT&T and Verizon wireless reporting of the third quarter.

Since the fourth quarter is seasonally strong, we might not see any slowdown in the fourth quarter, either, he suggests. In all likelihood, we'll have to wait for first-quarter 2009 results to see whether economic stringency has negatively affected mobile data.

Personally, I would bet against a dip.

Where is Telco Capex Going?

As global carriers are in the midst of capital planning exercises for 2009, one key question their suppliers must grapple with is what changes might be forthcoming. Analysts at ABI Research perhaps optimistically think global carrier capex will dip just about 1.3 percent from 2008 levels, when capex grew a bit more about eight percent.

Ovum believes the most likely scenario is a generally mild impact on the telecoms industry, with growth and spending slowing but not declining. The scenarios are described in the October edition of Ovum’s Straight Talk Monthly communication to clients.

Researchers at Ovum say they aren't yet sure, but offer three possible scenarios. In the optimistic forecast, 2009 capex will be at the level of 2007, reflecting a slower 2008 spending pattern.

The most-likely outcome is slower spending through 2009, though. In a worst-case scenario,
capex could fall as much as 28 percent, a level somewhat consistent with the "nuclear winter" years after the Internet and telecom bubble just after the turn of the century.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Cox to Launch Mobility Services

Cox Communications plans to launch mobile phone service in the second half of 2009, using Sprint network facilities. But Cox also owns its own spectrum and plans to build its own third-generation wireless network, although it also says it will test Long Term Evolution as an eventual 4G platform.

Cox executives say the management and delivery of converged content is at the core of the company's wireless strategy. "Cox customers will be able to use their mobile phone to access television favorites, program their DVR, access content saved on their home computer and simplify their lives with enhanced voice features," the company says.

A reasonable way forward would be for Cox to rely on Sprint for typical wireless voice, text messaging and mobile broadband services, while using its own network for applications more focused on content services related to what it currently delivers using its wired networks.

All Cox phones will include a network address book that automatically synchronizes with home PCs, the company says.

Cox also says that subscribers will be able to watch TV shows, and possibly full-time channels, on their handsets.

The move into mobility is hardly unprecedented. Cox joined with Comcast and Tele-Communications Inc. as equity owners in Sprint PCS in 1994.

Online Video Goes Mainstream

Online video services have gotten positively mainstream over just the last six months, according to Ipsos MediaCT.

The percentage of female Internet users ages 12 and older that have streamed a video online in the past 30 days has grown from 45 percent to 54 percent, an all-time high for this demographic and nearly equal to the percentage of men (58 percent) whom have recently streamed video content online.

Moreover, the percentage of adults aged 35 to 54 that have recently streamed video online has also shot up since December 2007, rising from 49 percent to 60 percent in that time span.

In the past, such behavior disproportionately was a younger male activity.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Skype Puts Up Numbers Most Would Envy

In the third quarter this year, and for the year, eBay's Skype has posted numbers most companies would love to have. Use of Skype-out minutes increased 54 percent, which drove revenue growth of 46 percent for the quarter. 

Revenue over the past year came in at $ 521 million compared to $332 million for the comparable prior year, an annual revenue growth rate of  56.9 percent.

Registered users increased 51 percent over the prior year and Skype-to-Skype minutes increased 63 percent to 16 billion minutes. 

Also, growth seems to be accelerating. Skype recently achieved its fastest growth rate of user activity in its history, by one measure, with an additional one million more concurrent users in just 35 days. Skype tends to measure usage by the numbe of concurrent sessions occurring. 

Skype saw 63 percent annual growth rate of minutes. Not so important, you might think, since lots of Skype usage is of the free sort. But use of paid minutes (2.2 billion SkypeOut minutes) increased 54 percent. 

Skype had third quarter 2008 revenue of $143 million and is on track to reach 2008 revenue of $570 million. In a sort of worst case scenario--if a global economic sluggishness decreases Skype use, about the opposite of what some of us think will happen--and Skype revenue growth slows, it should neverthless continue to grow annual revenue above the expected 2008 level (negative growth is hard to imagine). 

Building Agentic AI is Akin to Building a Car

For us essentially non-technical types, it often is hard to understand what all is involved in creating an agentic artificial intelligence s...