Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1 Example of Mobile Enabling a New Business, Or At Least a New Sales Channel

A nurse in the aiport offering vaccinations and flu shots. You might have seen them recently.

Some of them seem to be using Apple iPads equipped with a "Square" attachment to collect payment with a credit card.

Verizon Has Won the Marketing War for High-End HTC Devices

People ask me what device I'm using, and neither "HTC" or "Evo" rings any bells. If I just say "Droid," they seem to know what it is.

That's winning.

Verizon Wireless Lights 38 Cities for LTE

Verizon Wireless 4G LTE will be available in 38 cities on Sunday, Dec. 5, 2010. Cities include:

Akron, Ohio
Athens, Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia
Baltimore, Maryland
Boston, Massachusetts
Charlotte, North Carolina
Chicago, Illinois
Cincinnati, Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex, Dallas, Texas
Denver, Colorado
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Houston, Texas
Jacksonville, Florida
Las Vegas, Nevada
Los Angeles, California
Miami, Florida
Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota
Nashville, Tennessee
New Orleans, Louisiana
New York, New York
Oakland, California
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Orlando, Florida
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Phoenix, Arizona
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Rochester, New York
San Antonio, Texas
San Diego, California
San Francisco, California
San Jose, California
Seattle/Tacoma, Washington
St. Louis, Missouri
Tampa, Florida
Washington, D.C.
West Lafayette, Indiana
West Palm Beach, Florida

4G Debate is Meaningless, Clearwire Says

The debate going on about who is or isn’t 4G is unimportant because whether it’s called 3G, 4G, WiMAX, LTE, or HSPA, all that matters, in the end, is getting a great price on a fast connection with a ton of included usage, Clearwire says.

Purists won't agree, but users don't care. There are good reasons for standards, but standards bodies are only one way "standards" get set. Sometimes the market sets the standards

Collaboration Will Become More People-centric in 2011

Collaboration used to be more a matter of sharing documents. Recently, collaboration has changed to become more people-centric. 'Need to know' becomes 'need to share'. The change can be illustrated by growing use of social networks and video collaboration, for example.

Are Apps Overrated?

A new study, commissioned by promotion and experiential agency Moosylvania, found that the majority (80 percent) of smartphone users surveyed used apps. But of the 300,000 or so apps on the market only about a handful dominate.

While 30 apps were reported as the norm, most mobile users (85 percent of men and 75 percent of women) actually used only about 10 apps on a regular basis. This could be discouraging news for marketers, since an app only can work if it gets used, and works better if it gets used by lots of people.

Free helps too. Some 44 percent of app users said that all, or nearly all, of their apps were free.

The Top 5 Web Trends of 2010 and 2011

The mobile Web, the Internet of Things, location-based social networks, the real-time Web and structured data are the top five Web trends of 2010, as assessed by ReadWriteWeb, and are likely to remain key in 2011 as well.

Mobility was a top trend in 2010 and will continue to be a top trend in 2011, ReadWriteWeb says. As Android growth, tablets, the iPad and the launch of Windows Phone 7 have shown, mobility was, and will remain, a key trend to watch in 2011.

Internet of Things, or machine-to-machine communications, also will be key, as will location-based social networks.

The real-time Web, principally exemplified by the growth of Web-delivered video, also will continue to be a top trend.

read more here

AI Will Improve Productivity, But That is Not the Biggest Possible Change

Many would note that the internet impact on content media has been profound, boosting social and online media at the expense of linear form...