Wednesday, December 13, 2017

AT&T Expands AirGig Trials

AT&T has launched an international trial of its Project AirGig access technology, and also has launched a second trial in the United States.

Unlike a “data over power line” system, AirGig does not actually use the power conductor, but only travels along the exterior of a power line. 

 AirGig, it is hoped, could deliver internet access speeds well over one gigabit per second using a millimeter wave (mmWave) signal guided by power lines. If so, internet access facilities would not require new towers or cables, but would be able to piggyback on existing electrical distribution lines. 

 The first international trial started earlier in 2017 with an electricity provider outside the United States The second U.S. trial recently started in Georgia with Georgia Power. While this trial is located in a rural area, AirGig could be deployed in many areas not served by high speed broadband today – rural, suburban, or urban, AT&T says.

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