Wednesday, July 25, 2018

What 5G Fixed Wireless Means to Verizon

As it looks to launch 5G fixed wireless service out of region, Verizon seems convinced that video services are an important part of the value proposition. Among U.S. tier-one service providers, Verizon sees the greatest upside from attacking other fixed network service providers outside its core fixed network footprint.

There are obvious reasons. Verizon has the smallest fixed network footprint , and believes it can expand its network to reach as many as 39 million U.S. homes outside the core Verizon fixed network geography using 5G fixed wireless.

Comcast passes (can actually sell service) about 54 million homes. Charter Communications passes some 50 million home locations.

AT&T’s fixed network passes perhaps 62 million U.S. homes. Verizon, on the other hand, passes perhaps 27 million locations.

What that means is that Verizon has a clear interest in using 5G fixed wireless to expand its addressable market by more than 35 million U.S. homes (up to perhaps 39 million) that it cannot reach today, giving Verizon a fixed network footprint that is comparable to its key rivals.

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