Friday, June 21, 2024

CFOs Say They are Investing to Replace Jobs with Automation and AI

With the caveat that intentions often are not matched by actions or outcomes, a survey of chief financial officers (enterprise and smaller businesses) suggests a majority of CFOs have implemented automation and artificial intelligence to replace workers, and plan to keep at it for the next year. 

source: Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond


source: Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

source: Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Those forecasts are mirrored by estimates of AI-caused job losses by research firms and analysts. 




Goldman Sachs

Next decade

300 million jobs affected globally


By 2030

2.4 million US jobs lost (1.5%)


By 2030

11.08 million US jobs influenced (6.9%)



37% of businesses reported AI-induced layoffs



44% of businesses anticipate AI-induced layoffs

World Economic Forum

By 2025

85 million jobs displaced globally

World Economic Forum

By 2025

97 million new roles created globally

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