Showing posts with label Chitika Research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chitika Research. Show all posts

Friday, June 11, 2010

iPhone Ecosystem Drives Itself

Some new analysis by Chitika Research suggests a reason why the Apple ecosystem is so powerful: it has a base of customers that are highly motivated to buy other Apple products they don't yet own. Or at least one would infer from an analysis of search terms entered by iPhone, BlackBerry, Palm, Android, and iPad users.

The reason that Apple is so tough to compete with is that it has a fanatically loyal fan base, builds lots of producs on a single OS, is a single provider of hardware with a standard approach with products across a broad range of prices, from cheap iPods without screens up to Mac Pros that will break your budget.

Then it has the  iTunes and the App store that are becoming a hub for everything digital, including e-books and apps.

Internet and AI: It's "Different This Time"

Investors, as all humans, tend to see the future through the lens of the past. And the thinking that "it is different this time" t...