Looking only at the U.S. cable companies plus Verizon, and omitting AT&T and CenturyLink, fully 75 percent of U.S. fixed network subscribers receive an average speed of at least 100 Mbps. AT&T customers represent another 15 percent getting an average of 85 Mbps.
That analysis combines Speedtest data on U.S. fixed network speeds in July 2020 with internet service provider account volume supplied by Leichtman Research Group.
The exercise is to overlay average speeds for the major internet service providers with the number of subscribers each ISP has, to get a sense of the typical experience. For the exercise, use Speedtest measurements of July 2020 speeds and Leichtman Research Group’s analysis of ISP account volume for the third quarter of 2020.
Where Speedtest did not report average speeds, we use other available third party measurements.
We rounded up Charter's average speed of 95 Mbps and included it in the analysis of 100 Mbps (or faster) average downstream services. We did not do so for AT&T.
source: Leichtman Research Group
Source: IP Carrier analysis