Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Service Providers Don't Know Much About Customers

About 62 percent of global network service providers (telcos) say they do not today have enough information about how their customers behave, according to a new study commissioned by Apertio.

About 76 percent of respondents say customer profiling is important, closely followed by identity management. (64 percent of respondents say that is important. That sort of knowledge is important since 67 percent of respondents say "personalization of services" is a key revenue opportunity for IP and data services

The situation won't be too surprising to anybody who has been in the service provider industry long enough. The problem arguably is easier to deal with in the IP realm, but even there network service providers might not have access to as much granular data as IP application providers do.

Some observers continue to think that demographic information is helpful, and it is, up to a point. More significant, others think, is actual user behavior expressed in application use, and what users do inside those applications. Since telcos and cable companies don't have much useful information on their customer demographic profiles, ability to capture clickstreams, when legal, is much more useful.

That's another reason why the drive to capture Internet access account is so important. It isn't simply that broadband access is becoming the foundation service for a landline services provider, it is that the ability to personalize a user experience comes from knowledge about clickstreams, not calling patterns or street addresses.

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