Saturday, November 10, 2018

Global Telecom Revenue Flat (Not Adjusting for Inflation) Through 2022

On a non-inflation-adjusted basis, global telecom services revenue will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.8 percent, IDC researchers now predict. In any market with inflation rates of at least 0.8 percent, actual revenue will decline.

Product segments within the industry can have faster or slower growth rates. In fact, revenue earned in the fixed network segment generated by data services will grow 22 percent in 2018 and at a four-percent CAGR through 2022, IDC predicts, driven by uptake of internet access services.

Mobile revenue will grow at 1.2 percent through 2022, but fixed network voice revenues will decline at five percent annually to 2022.

"Developed and mature markets will only show marginal gains now, driven by technology migration and bandwidth needs," said Eric Owen, IDC group vice president, EMEA Telecommunications & Networking. South Asia and Africa are the two regions that will see the fastest revenue growth, IDC predicts.

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