Saturday, March 12, 2022

People Might be Your Greatest Resource and Greatest Impediments as Well

Career resilience might be defined as the ability to recover from setbacks, adapt well to change, and keep going in the face of adversity. Strikingly, a survey by U.K. consultants Sarah Bond and Gillian Shapiro consultants suggests difficult relationships and organizational politics are paramount at work, respondents indicated. 

In other words, co-workers were the “biggest problems” women faced at work, causing the most setbacks. .

Fully 75 percent of respondents said that the biggest drain on their resilience reserves was “managing difficult people or office politics at work.” 


source: Bond, Shaprio, HBR 

It often is said that “people are our greatest resource.” It may also be the case that “people are the greatest sources of friction” within organizations.

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