Saturday, March 19, 2022

"Keeping Whales Safe" Using IoT, Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence

Whale Safe, a project of the nonprofit Benioff Ocean Initiative, is deploying buoys with acoustical sensors using on-board artificial intelligence and edge computing in key whale habitat off the coast of southern California. 

The analysis of actual whale locations, correlated with movements of ships in the channel, helps avoid whale strikes by the ships moving in one of the most-trafficked sea lanes globally. 

The use case illustrates why it often is hard to clearly delineate "edge computing" value from that of "artificial intelligence" from "internet of things."

source: Whalesafe 

Ships are asked to slow down when whales are located in their path, since collisions between ships and whales are often fatal. 

Since deployment of the system in 2020, whale strikes declined significantly in the Santa Barbara Channel, which is one of the most active feeding grounds for humpback and endangered blue whales on the West Coast.

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