Thursday, May 31, 2018

Hard or Soft Landing for Linear Video Business? And Why That Matters

Many observers thought AT&T should not have purchased DirecTV. Others oppose the Time Warner acquisition. Some might be skeptical about whether Verizon and AT&T can create digital advertising platforms built on their content assets.

There are a range of objections. These include arguments that it was the wrong acquisition. Others might say it was a reasonable acquisition, but came at too high a price. The former argument is that there were other places to invest capital; the latter argument is that debt burdens were too high, relative to the value obtained.

But it is possible to argue that DirecTV is having positive impact on AT&T’s mobile business, while throwing off needed cash flow, and setting the stage for a bigger role in the video business “up the stack.”

And though some might criticize the DirecTV move as allowing AT&T to become the biggest video subscription provider in the United States without upgrading all of its fixed network lines to handle video, others would say that makes sense, if the fixed network business is itself dwindling, and therefore cannot justify expensive upgrades.

That is not to say upgrades are unnecessary; simply that more-affordable ways must be found to supply higher-speed internet access.

In that regard, much hinges on whether the decline of the linear video business is a “hard or soft landing.” If the decline is gradual, then AT&T has time to create a new streaming-based business to replace the legacy revenue stream. A rapid collapse would be much harder to stomach.

Some data suggests a softer than expected landing is quite possible.

Daily Minutes Watching TV vs. Digital Video
TV (Minutes watched)
Digital Video (Minutes Watched)

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

Are Application Markets Already Changing?

As Mary Meeker’s latest “Internet Trends” report suggests, search has changed. These days, when consumers use search, they often are searching for products to buy. And those searches start with Amazon, about half the time.

Users start with a search engine 36 percent of the time.

All that should remind us that trends and market advantage change fast in the internet apps and platforms space. For regulators and antitrust authorities, that suggests caution is called for.

It almost never makes sense to apply new regulations to industries that already are declining. We have made that mistake in recent decades, deregulating the voice business just before the voice business entered what some would call terminal decline.

It is possible that changes in demand already are at work to disrupt the leaders of the application market as well.

Teens Have Abandoned Facebook, as a "Most Often Used" App

Ignoring for the moment issues about privacy and content fairness and accuracy, there already are signs that web giants such as Facebook--facing mounting calls for antitrust action--already are losing favor.

A new study by Pew Research finds Generation Y (the generation after Millennials) already largely has abandoned Facebook. The most-often used app platforms among U.S. teenagers include Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram.

Over the last three years, teen social media preferences have changed dramatically.

In the Center’s 2014-2015 survey of teen social media use, 71 percent of teens reported being Facebook users. Some 52 percent of teens said they used Instagram, while 41 percent reported using Snapchat.

That clearly has changed. Facebook usage dropped 20 percentage points. More significantly, Facebook is “most often used” by just 10 percent of teens.

Such rapid changes in app preferences are one reason hasty antitrust action might best be avoided. In fast-changing markets, it arguably does not make sense to apply antitrust to businesses that already are being supplanted by rivals.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Latest Mary Meeker "Internet Trends" Report

Here’s the latest “Internet Trends” report published by Mary Meeker, partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. If you have followed this report for a long time, you will notice that almost all the data now is about use cases, applications, platforms, devices and other parts of the internet ecosystem, not internet access per se.

Let that be a clear signal about where value is seen as being created within the ecosystem.

As you would expect, U.S. internet users now spend more time interacting on their mobiles than on their desktops, laptops or other connected devices.

What is the Relevant "Mobile" Market; What Will it Be in a Few Years?

Regulators and lawmakers always face challenges when markets are fast evolving. When the first major comprehensive reform of U.S. telecommunications law since 1934 lead to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the changes focused on enabling more competition for fixed network voice services.

With hindsight, we can see that this was just at the point that mobile was about to become the preferred means for consumers to use voice services. In other words, lawmakers decided to open up competition in a market that was about to shrivel.

According to Federal Communications Commission statistics, fixed network voice reached a peak around 2000, just a few years after the Telecom Act was passed.

The Telecom Act also was passed just several years before use of broadband internet access grew from about 15 percent of U.S. homes to perhaps 65 percent a decade later.

So the point is that it is going to be hard to make rational decisions about competition and market structure in the U.S. mobile business given possible huge new changes in those markets as well.

It is not clear whether other facilities-based providers will want to enter the mobile business. Nor is it clear how such facilities would be sourced. It is reasonable, many believe, to expect possible entry by one or more cable TV companies or app providers

Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google “have to do something at some point,” argues  Bob Paige, Vertical Bridge EVP.

So the issue is market structure. Is the relevant market mobile service providers, facilities-based providers, all local access providers or something broader, including both app and access providers? “

And even if we can only predict that markets will converge, when will that happen on such a scale that applications and access literally are one cohesive market?

Something of the same process arguably applies to application markets, where many call for breaking up firms such as Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon. But that also assumes the existing markets will not themselves be further disrupted, leading to a new set of leaders.

That always has happened when new eras of computing arrive. The leaders of the legacy era have never been the leaders of the new era of computing.  

Colocation, Data Center Market Still Fragmented

Equinix, Digital Realty and NTT are market share leaders in the colocation market, according to Synergy Research. But the market arguably remains fragmented, globally.

The three now control nearly 28 percent of the worldwide market and all have grown their market share over the last four quarters, both organically and through acquisitions.

Equinix had a 13 percent share in the first quarter of 2018. Equinix had a 17 percent  share of retail colocation, while Digital Realty had a 28 percent share of the wholesale (business to business colocation) segment.

Equinix sells more to enterprises who need private cloud computing facilities.

source: Synergy Research

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Will 5G Capex Be Less, the Same, or More than 4G?

Many critics of 5G argue that it will cost mobile operators too much to build the networks or that incremental new revenue will be insufficient to support the networks, or both. The argument often is accompanied by the observation that some other approach (platform, network or business model) would work better.

But the cost of building mobile networks is not growing. mobile operator capital investment has been flat as capacity supply has grown as much as seven times over the last four years, argue analysts at Rewheel.

To be sure, the analysis requires careful thinking.

“Our calculations show that the doomsayers will again be proven wrong,” Rewheel says. “Mobile network capex will stay flat the next five years with the help of 3.4-3.8 GHz spectrum and massive MIMO even if data traffic grows another 10-fold (from 20 GB in 2016 to 200 GB per unique user per month in 2021) as forecasted by Finnish operators.”

Rewheel also notes that “the annual cost of expanding a 4G network’s aggregate capacity by a gigabit per second is as low as few hundred thousand euros, which is roughly the equivalent of €0.1 per GB, a near-zero marginal mobile data cost if one considers that consumers are paying few hundred EUR per year for their smartphone or mobile broadband plans,” say analysts at Rewheel.

The key word in that statement is “marginal” cost, however. Once built, a modern mobile network can indeed add a unit of supply affordably. But that does not speak to the cost of recovering the sunk investment in the full network; only the cost of the incremental supply.

The trick is that “flat capex” has to include both marginal increases in capacity and the full recovery of the cost of building the network in the first place.

Cloud Computing Keeps Growing, With or Without AI

source: Synergy Research Group .  With or without added artificial intelligence demand, c loud computing   will continue to grow, Omdia anal...