Friday, November 4, 2011

Era of E-Commerce is Over

Forrester Research e-commerce forecast
John Donahoe, CEO of eBay, has said that the concept of e-commerce is dead and buried, since consumers really don’t care about where they buy, so long as they get the cheapest price. You can thank increasing use of mobile technology for that change.

Now consumers are walking into retail stores, and using their phones to identify better prices for goods they like, and will use either online or offline purchasing to get the price they want.

“Over the last 12-18 months we at eBay have changed our view on e-commerce,” he explained. “We’re now seeing a profound change in how consumers are behaving, and we’re going to see more changes in the next three years than we’re seen in the previous 20 in terms of shopping and payments." 

NFC handset forecast
"Mobile devices are blurring the lines between online and offline at a rate no one would have predicted.” eBay boss declares era of e-commerce is over

As for eBay’s strategy, Donahoe said the company is presenting itself as a retailer-agnostic platform. Price comparison applications on the site will show a broad range of suppliers, all displayed on a level playing field with the competition. eBay will simply process the sale.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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