Wednesday, December 21, 2016

400 Million M2M Modules to Exceed 400 Million in 2021?

Mobile machine-to-machine module shipments--including modules using the narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) platform--will exceed 400 million in 2021, ABI Research forecasts.

DT, Vodafone, China Mobile and China Unicom, for example are planning NB-IoT network availability as early as 2017,

Tracking, as well as simple thing monitoring and control, will be the primary application segments for NB-IoT, ABI Research estimates. Those apps likely will include parking and supermarket checkout apps.

KPN, Orange, SK Telecom, and Softbank also are building rival LoRa networks first, though not on an exclusive basis, as those carriers likely also will support Category M Long Term Evolution or NB-IoT standards.

North American mobile operators are focusing on Cat M platforms. Longer-term forecasts for M2M deployment have been robust. As typically is the case, the forecasts will prove too optimistic in the near term, but possibly even too conservative longer term.

source: M2M Daily

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