Saturday, November 23, 2019

Early 5G in U.K. Now Offering Speeds 4X to Nearly 7X 4G Speed

Early mid-band 5G in the United Kingdom shows speeds twice to more than six times as fast as 4G, on U.K. networks.

In early tests, EE 5G downstream speeds in the fall of 2019 were running at 185.7 Mbps, while EE’s 4G offered  47.4 Mbps. So EE 5G was about four times faster than EE’s 4G. 

Vodafone 5G median downstream speed was 112.2Mbps. Median downstream 4G speed was 57.1 Mbps. So 5G on Vodafone’s networks is about twice as fast as 4G, according to RootMetrics tests in Birmingham between August and September 2019.

Mid-band spectrum is touted for 5G as it offers better coverage than millimeter wave spectrum but higher bandwidth than low band frequencies. The latest Speedtest data on U.K. 5G show the results. Compared to “typical” speeds on all other U.K. mobile networks taken as a whole, 5G provides downstream speeds about 450 percent to 618 percent faster, according to Speedtest. 

Keep in mind: this does not mean 5G is that much faster than 4G. 5G is that much faster than the average of downstream data on all other networks in use. On the other hand, 5G arguably is just about that much faster than 4G

On EE, it is conceivable that 5G is about 400 percent faster than 4G. On 02, 5G might be 760 percent faster than 4G. 

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