Friday, March 13, 2020

5G is Safe, International RF Standards Body Says

A new study and set of standards from an international body essentially says “5G is safe” in terms of health hazards. In fact, actual transmit levels for 5G are about one percent of the limits now set by the group. 

The ICNIRP Guidelines on Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields are for the protection of humans exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF) in the range 100 kHz to 300 GHz. 

“The most important thing for  people to remember is that 5G technologies will not be able to cause harm when these  new guidelines are adhered to,” ICNIRP says. “It is important to note that the ICNIRP (1998) guidelines will also provide protection for 5G technologies if they produce the exposure levels that are so far predicted; these are predicted to be approximately similar to the exposures from previous mobile telecommunications technologies (for example, 4G).”

Regarding millimeter wave signals, ICNIRP notes that such “frequencies produce relatively superficial exposure, with less power penetrating deep into the body.” Studies suggest that exposure from 5G antennas will be approximately similar to that from 3G and 4G antennas, the group says.

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