Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Difference 5 Years Makes: Google Goes from Threat to Partner

Once upon a time, many top telco executives ranked Google as a bigger threat than other telcos. A 2015 survey of 101 service providers sponsored by Openet Telecom, including respondents from every region, found “over the top” application providers were viewed as the most-significant competitors

In fact,  app providers were deemed bigger threats than other mobile operators, mobile virtual network operators, Wi-Fi first MVNOs, fixed network operators or free Wi-Fi providers. 

These days, many in the telco ecosystem are partnering with Google, in the form of Google Cloud. 

Now Google Cloud has its Global Mobile Edge Cloud (GMEC), which will deliver a portfolio and marketplace of 5G solutions built jointly with telecommunications companies; an open cloud platform for developing these network-centric applications; and a global distributed edge for optimally deploying these solutions. AT&T already is working with GMEC. 

In some indirect ways, suppliers of software infrastructure for telcos are using Google Cloud as the platform for services supplied to telco customers. Netcracker Technology, for example, deploys its entire digital BSS/OSS and orchestration stack on Google Cloud. 

In part, that is because Google Cloud is pitching its platform to the telco ecosystem. Anthos, for example, is Google Cloud’s open application platform for telecommunications firms, enabling them to deploy, manage, and optimize their applications, whether they are on-premise or in the cloud, to deliver its suite of products across multiple private and public clouds, on-premise environments, and at the network edge.

Amdocs, for its part, now uses Google Cloud to deliver Amdocs’ OSS and BSS systems. 

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