Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Impulse Purchases Key for Mobile Marketing Messages

A significant number of American consumers are interested in receiving opt-in marketing messages, according to a new survey by Harris Interactive. It also appears impulse purchases are prime candidates for mobile marketing messages.

The survey of 2,029 mobile phone users, ages 18 and older shows 42 percent of users between the ages of 18 and 34 and 33 percent of those between 35 to 44 are at least somewhat interested in receiving alerts about sales on their cell phones from their favorite establishments.

Men are more interested than women. About 51 percent of men ages 18 to 34, and 34 percent of women of the same age range are at least somewhat interested in receiving opt-in shopping alerts on their cell phones.

Only one percent of cell phone owners currently receive alerts about sales at their favorite establishments on their phones, yet 26 percent would be at least somewhat interested in receiving such alerts, assuming they were permission-based.

Of those interested in receiving alerts, 53 percent would be at least somewhat interested in being notified about restaurant specials around them.

About 43 percent say they would be interested in getting information about movie or event tickets. About 39 percent are interested in getting weather information, while 37 percent indicated interest in information about clearance sales.

Sizable percentages expressed interest in specific products such as pizza, clothes, fast food, electronics, music, happy hour specials or bar and night club offers.

Impulse purchases seem particularly germane. The survey found that about 90 percent of U.S. adults have made an impulse purchase when they were out shopping in a store, based on a sale or special offer going on around where they were.

Nearly a quarter of adults owning cell phones (22 percent) make this type of impulse purchase at least once per week or more often.


Mobile Marketing said...

I think this is outstanding for the mobile marketing industry. The fast growth is helping out companies like ours and business are creating great value with the mobile marking. Th question is update or iphone apps this is what I hear everyday. I still agree with this post... Updates!

shared short code said...

Mobile marketing is the new tread of marketing products because of uses of mobile phone. According to recent survey about 90% US people read sms and this shows how people interested in mobile. Sending sms through shared short code or own brand short code to customer helps to reach your products to customer. Short code is now used by all popular reality shows, programs, games and election campaigns to send or to populate their message to targeted audiences.

mobile marketing said...

Mobile marketing is the most growing marketing strategy these days to promote brands, business, services and organization. Mobile marketing come in focus in recent few years, especially due to fast growing mobile phone uses across the world. Analyst Estimate that in 2008 about 3.4 billions text messages send worldwide and the response rate of these text messages were about 70%, this statistic attract shoppers, business organization to invest in mobile marketing. Today all top brands and organization using mobile marketing campaigns to promote their products.

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