Showing posts with label mobile marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mobile marketing. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mobile Changes Mom Spending Dramatically

Motherhood is a catalyst for sharing, says Michael Fogarty, BabyCenter SVP. It also is a catalyst for content sharing and therefore an opportunity for content marketing on mobiles, in significant part because motherhood seems highly correlated with significant changes in spending. 

Some 62 percent of moms change the brands they buy when they become moms. And 73 percent change their purchase criteria for apparel and beauty products. "For example, the Victoria’s Secret brand goes from relatively high on the list to right down in the basement; it doesn’t even show up," says Fogarty.

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"They’re sharing photos of their kids, of course, but in terms of shopping, they want to share their recommendation about which stroller or diaper brand to buy," says Fogarty. "Anytime you get a coupon for something that’s relevant, especially in terms of the stage you’re at—whether it’s pregnancy or new motherhood—there are thousands of moms out there who would benefit."

"If you’re on a social network, you’re going to share that," Fogarty says. "And increasingly it’s being shared via mobile because it’s so much easier."  Mobile Changes Mom’s Path to the Register

"It’s very clear that moms are using mobile in different ways from the general women’s mobile segment because motherhood instigates mobile usage," says Fogarty. "We learned that 53 percent of moms actually purchased a smartphone as a result of becoming a mom."

"So it’s easy to see why moms are 18 percent more likely to have a smartphone than the general population," he says. "It’s much more than a phone—it’s everything from her calendar, her scheduler, her text messenger, her way to keep up with the nanny, her recipe finder, her GPS."

BlogHer Inc., in partnership with Parenting Magazine, conducted their second annual study of moms and technology in June 2011.  The findings show that moms are more engaged than ever with laptops, the Internet and mobile phones.  In fact, they have become the Chief Technology Officers for their families, overseeing households where children begin interacting with various electronic devices at an extremely early age; in some cases younger than two. Blogher survey

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Social Media, Mobile Marketing Top Emerging Channels Used by Enterprise Marketers

Social media remains a key area of activity among enterprise marketing executives using emerging marketing channels, the latest survey of enterprise marketing execurtives by Unica has found.

About 53 percent of respondents are using social media now. But marketers’ enthusiasm is less intense than in 2010, suggesting that many have passed the peak of inflated expectations caused by the hype around social media, and that practitioners now are focused on finding the value that social channels can yield.

Mobile marketing is the other emerging channel.

Some 43 percent of respondents say they currently use the tactic, with another 23 percent planning to do so within a year.

Adoption of emerging channels increased over 2010, in large part because marketers are under intense pressure to accomplish more with less, and the new channels are viewed as lower cost ways to achieve objectives.

More importantly, when the emerging channels are backed with systems for capturing, managing and distributing crucial data regarding customer and prospect behavior, they become golden opportunities for personalizing marketing campaigns and reaching individual customers with more timely, more relevant messages.

The online and direct marketers who responded to the survey represent a wide range of industries, 60 percent from from North America and 40 percent from Europe.

The report is based on a survey of about 300 respondents All responding companies report more than $100 million in annual revenue; the largest block (54 percent) reporting $1 billion or more per year.

read the study here

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mobile's Growth, in Numbers and Pictures

Mobile usage and importance, in stats.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

SMS and Email Marketing: Complementary Rather than Substitutes

Mobile Marketing Infographics: Mobile Marketing Via SMS Compared To Email, Facebook And Twitter
There is some truth to the notion that text messaging campaigns are substitutes for email campaigns. There also is some truth to the notion that they are complementary.

The "personal" nature of text messaging and the high need for user opt in are key reasons why the channels mostly appeal to different types of retailer relationships. Text messages require some sort of pre-existing relationship. Perhaps email messages are supposed to require opt in as well, but frequently permission is more tacit than formally acknowledged.

A user that has opted in to receive SMS messages presumably already has significant interest in a particular product or retailer. Email messages can cover a wider range of consumers.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mobile Allows Marketing to Shoppers at Every Touchpoint

While in-store digital technologies and media will play a significant role, mobile is the linchpin for next-generation shopper marketing, eMarketer argues.

Location-based check-ins and in-store mobile are starting to become significant for both retailers and brand marketers. And in the post-shop phase brands and retailers should find creative ways to encourage shoppers to share their stories on social media.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Email, Social Media to Get More Spending by Enterprises

According to a November 2010 survey of business executives around the globe by StrongMail, nearly two-thirds of companies will increase spending on email marketing, and 57% will put more dollars toward social media marketing. Search took a distant third place with 41% of respondents indicating they would spend more.

Email and social will continue to get closer as more marketers integrate the two channels with each other. More than a quarter of respondents said they had already formulated and implemented a strategy for making email and social work together, and another 43% plan to make efforts toward integration in 2011, though some are more prepared than others.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Enterprises Dominate Mobile Ad Spending

More than a third of interactive marketers have implemented or plan to pilot mobile search and display advertising in the next year, according to Forrester Research analyst Melissa Parrish. And just about everyone believes such spending will grow.

For that reason, Forrester Research expects that interactive marketer spending on mobile search and display will grow at a 28 percent compound annual growth rate over the next five years.

Forrester expects that mobile Internet usage will increase at a compound annual rate of 12.7 percent, with 117 million people — 36 percent of the US population — searching and browsing while using their mobile devices by 2015, Parrish says.

Mobile marketing opportunities will grow as more people use the mobile Internet, of course. At the end of 2007, only 10 percent of U.S. adult subscribers used the mobile Internet. In 2010, mobile Internet usage is up to 27 percent of mobile subscribers, representing 64 million consumers in the
United States market.

Mobile Internet users also are learning to use their mobiles to make purchases. And they aren’t just looking for the nearest coffee house; they’re buying airline tickets, researching cars, and receiving coupons for products like coffee or detergent.

Forrester forecasts that mobile search and display dollars will grow to $2.8 billion by 2015, at a
28 percent CAGR.

But critical mass still is lacking. Though mobile Internet usage is increasing rapidly, marketers still can’t get enough eyeballs on content to justify spending big bucks in the space, says Parrish.

Currently, 78 percent of the US population access the Internet at least monthly while only 21 percent access the mobile Internet. By 2015, mobile Internet usage is expected to reach 43 percent of total desktop Internet usage, making the mobile medium a much more viable channel.

Inability to track performance against spend. More than half of interactive marketers feel they have no capability to measure the ROI or brand impact of their mobile marketing campaigns.

Interactive marketers prefer performance-based campaigns and are willing to pay more for these metrics. Vendors like Google and Bing offer cost-per-click pricing for click-to-call and click-to-get-directions type activities, but mobile display is still largely based on potential impressions, an unsatisfactory metric to most marketers.

Additionally, the holy grail of mobile is location-based marketing, but it’s still unclear how the connection between location-marketing efforts and in-store purchases will occur. Vendors must develop the tools for marketers to track performance and then help marketers understand the value and how to use these new tools.

·Spending by small and mid-sized business is not having too much impact, says Parrish. Forrester’s data suggests that fully 95 percent of mobile advertising dollars currently come from companies with more than $100 million in revenue.

Though the value of mobile advertising is highly relevant to small and mid-sized businesses, which benefit greatly from local and location-specific advertising, smaller budgets and less marketing
expertise will make the percentage of overall spend from SMBs consistently less than eight percent of total mobile spend.

Concerns over privacy, specifically location and carrier information, could provoke a backlash among consumers, leading to some caution as well. Consumers consider mobile phones personal devices to a greater extent than PCs and, for that reason, might continue to expect greater privacy in a mobile context, Parrish suggests.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Online and Video are Biggest "Emerging" Channels, but Mobile Follows

Online communities and video seem to be the two "emerging" marketing channels marketers at companies with at least 200 employees are using now, or planning to deploy soon, a survey of 133 executives by Forrester Research suggests.

But a fairly broad range of mobile channels seem poised to get more attention.

Among them are location-based services, mobile social networks, mobile search, mobile web sites, text and multimedia messaging and mobile video.

Established and Emerging Marketing Channels

A recent survey of 113 marketing executives confirms the current pattern of marketing channels. Display advertising, email marketing, search engine optimization, social media and online listings, plus paid search, are typical marketing venues.

Mobile advertising and applications, paid social media and game marketing are the emerging categories, Forrester Research finds.

Perhaps the most surprising finding is the 45 percent use of social media such as blogs, podcasts, widgets and discussion forums. Not so long ago, those were "emerging" and "experimental" channels.

These days, it is mobile apps and advertising and paid social media which seem poised to make the move from "experimental and emerging" status to "mainstream" levels of use.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

80% of Enterprises Plan Mobile Websites

Of the 80 percent of enterprise respondents who indicated they had plans to create, or already had created mobile websites as part of their mobile marketing plans, promotion was the most-popular planned activity. But commerce applications were planned by more than 60 percent of firms.

(Click on image for larger view)

get a full copy of the study here

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mobile Marketing an Appetizer, Though Some Say it is a Main Course

We are a bit early in the adoption cycle for mobile marketing to be considered a mainstay of the advertising business. It still remains a bit of an appetizer. But enthusiasm is growing.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

AdMob May 2010 Metrics

Monday, May 17, 2010

Marketers Still Can't Measure Social Media Return on Investment

Analytics continue to be an obstacle to heavier use of online, social media and mobile marketing campaigns, a new survey by Omniture suggests.

About 80 percent of survey respondents believe the ability to measure return on investment from online marketing activities is important, but only 31 percent of marketers can effectively measure it today.

About 86 percent of respondents think the conversion rate from online marketing activities is important to measure, but 25 percent cannot effectively measure it.

Only about 30 percent of marketers using mobile channels are able to measure mobile app conversions and, overall, only 23 percent say they are "very satisfied" with their current mobile measurement capabilities. That suggests there is pent-up demand for easier to use and easier to measure mobile marketing support.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Location Ads Work, Study Finds

A new survey conducted by the Mobile Marketing Association suggests very-high rates of user response to advertising based on location information.

"Nearly half of those who noticed any ads while using location-based services took at least some action," MMA says. That compares to 37 percent of text message advertising and almost twice the rate of Web browser ads (28 percent).

Ten percent of the cell phone owners surveyed use mobile location services at least once a week, while 63 percent of Apple iPhone owners use location services at least once a week.

Respondents said they use these services most frequently to “locate nearby points of interest, shops or services.”

U.S. Consumers Significantly More Likely To Respond To Location-Based Mobile Ads Than Other Mobile Ad Types | Mobile Marketing Association

Even App Store "Marketing" Apps Must be Marketed

Despite the hype about mobile apps, it remains difficult to "monetize" them, for several reasons. Most apps sell for low prices, so a developer needs huge volume. But volume means getting noticed, and simply creating an app and listing in on an app store does not guarantee attention.

That increasingly means a successful app not only has to provide value, but has to be promoted. And that means all the traditional thinking about traditional marketing still holds. Developers have to take affirmative steps to promote their apps; they won't sell themselves.

"The App Store is not a marketing vehicle; it is a distribution vehicle," said Raven Zachary, president of digital creative firm Small Society.

Of course, not all apps are sold. Some are themselves marketing vehicles. But an iPhone app can cost $50,000 or more for an agency to develop. So even the marketing vehicle must be marketed.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Revenue Sharing is the Heart of the Net Neutrality Matter

“The problem with mobile broadband so far has been most of the revenue it has generated has gone to over-the-top Internet content services, not to the operators,” says Pat McCarthy, Telcordia VP. “That’s what they are trying to change.”

And that is the heart of the matter as far as wrangling over network neutrality. Over time, consumers will have many options for buying customized wireless broadband plans, McCarthy says. And nearly everyone believes that will mean very-heavy users will have to pay more, in some way.

The key notion is that retail price will be related, in some way, to the cost of the services consumed. That doesn't necessarily mean billing by the byte, but probably a range of options for basic access that are similar to wireless voice plans, where users buy buckets of minutes or text messages a various prices, or unlimited use for higher prices.

Some have suggested pricing based on the value of services and applications and most providers tend to believe there should be the ability to buy optional services that maintain quality of service when the network is congested.

Standard users might get messages during peak congestion periods--perhaps rush hour or at a major sports or concert venue--that the network is congested, with their services shaped in some way. Premium users might get priority access and all users might be offered a temporary "power boost," for an additional fee, during the period of congestion.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Interest in Content Marketing Grows, Especially in Mobile Context

There are two huge takeaways from Junta42's new survey of 250 marketing professionals in North America: the dramatic growth of content marketing and the upsurge of interest in mobile content (blogs, social networks, video, newsletters, white papers, webinars, podcasts, custom events, magazines and so forth).

(click images for larger view)

Approximately 10 percent of marketers already are leveraging content through mobile applications and 38 percent say mobile content is something they need to know more about. Of all content marketing areas, only mobile marketing rose year over year re: educational needs, says Junta42.

56 percent of companies plan to increase budgets for mobile marketing in 2010 and a hike of 17 percent in 2010 marketing budgets will be funded by drawing money away from traditional channels such as print.

For the third straight year, marketers are planning to spend significantly more on their content marketing efforts in 2010 and 59 percent of marketing professionals surveyed plan to increase their spending on content initiatives, compared to 56 percent in 2009 and 42 percent in 2008.

Content marketing comprises 33 percent of the total marketing budget, in fact. Smaller companies are spending more on their content marketing as a percentage of budget than larger companies. Small
companies (less than 99 employees) spend approximately 40 percent of their total budget on content initiatives.

Larger companies (100 employees or more) spend an average of 18 percent of their budget for content marketing.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Neustar Lauches 2D Barcode Clearinghouse

Neustar recently launched a "Mobile Barcode Clearinghouse Services" operation intended to ensure that any mobile barcode can be read by any mobile phone or application. 

That might not seem like a big deal, but history suggests that penetration and use of any technology, no matter how useful, never gets routine and widespread use so long as the information cannot be communicated effortlessly across the entire base of people, applications and devices.

That was true for railroads. It was true for phone service. It was true of text messaging and email, and it won't be different for 2D barcodes. 

"The clearinghouse is an important component of Neustar’s mobile internet solutions strategy, which bridges network operators and enterprises and simplifies their delivery of value to customers," Neustar says. 

Neustar is right about that. 

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Is Mobile Marketing the "Best" Advertising Channel?

There's a very good reason many content providers, marketers, device manufacturers and application developers  are intrigued by the mobile platform as an advertising venue.

Some researchers say it can outperform every other alternative, including "fixed" online channels, by quite some margin.

Some of us would quibble about whether it is so vastly superior on some dimensions. Some of us would argue TV is just as powerful as mobile on the "emotion" scale, and that lumping "print" in the same category as 'TV" makes no sense. Print is a "lower emotion" channel, compared to TV or even radio.

And this matrix is only a look at "potential" effectiveness. Advertising effectiveness depends on the quality of the creative material and many other factors beyond the mere choice of channel. Still, the potential reach and effectiveness of mobile marketing is clear, if perhaps overstated in this analysis.

"Fair Use" of Content by AI Models is Another Example of Disruptive New Technology

Humans learn by reading books, watching videos, and experiencing the world, often using copyrighted material like textbooks or movies. This ...