Saturday, November 21, 2009

Do We Need to Rethink What We Think We Know About Consumer Behavior?

Though 2010 widely is expected to provide a recovery from the depths of the recent recession, questions logically remain about how consumers will behave in a recovery most expect will be extended.

A new study by consumer research firm Decitica suggests lasting effects that could shape consumer spending on any number of communications services, applications and devices.

"The effects of the Great Recession on consumer behavior are so profound that many of the assumptions underpinning consumer segmentation are no longer valid," says Dr. Val Srinivas, Principal at Decitica.

Among the key findings: "Price has become the dominant consideration in the purchase of all kinds of products." For this reason, Decitica predicts "a long uphill struggle by marketers to shift the focus away from price."

The recession has caused a profound, deep-rooted change in consumers' spending habits in favor a more restrained approach, Decitica says. Many have accepted this radical change as the "new normal," and not just a cyclical phenomenon.

American consumers have proven researchers wrong in the past. The issue is whether this time might be different. See full post at

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