Wednesday, December 19, 2007

LTE: 160 Mbps Bandwidth in Test by Nokia Siemens

Nokia Siemens Networks has completed the world’s first multi-user field trial in an urban environment, reaching speeds in excess of 160 Mbps.

The test of Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology, which supports mobile data rates up to 173 Megabits per second, was conducted in a real urban outdoor environment with multiple users using the new 2.6 GHz spectrum.

It confirms that LTE performance requirements can be met using 3GPP standardized technologies and it realized data rates of more than 100 Mega bits per second over distances of several hundred meters, while maintaining excellent throughput at the edge of typical urban mobile radio cells.


Steven Wilinger said...

In an urban implementation with large bandwidth depth (Verizon in LA or NYC) what kind of per user bandwidth can be expected? While streaming HD demonstrations via LTE have been made is such an implementation practical on a commercial level?

Gary Kim said...

Real-world bandwidth always seems to be less than what one finds in a laboratory or controlled deployment environment. But will it be commercially deployed? Absolutely. Even if 160 Mbps is not generally achievable, think of what can be done when 100 Mbps is available routinely from a mobile device.

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