Wednesday, August 6, 2008

3:1 Margin of Mobile to Fixed Lines Globally

There now are three times more mobile subscribers than access line subscribers worldwide in 2007 (3.3 billion vs. 1.1 billion), say researchers at Infonetics Research. The firm also expects continued strong growth in mobile subscribers, mainly driven by basic voice service needs in BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China).

The number of mobile subscribers jumped 31 percent in 2007 over 2006, while access line subscribers declined five percent.

The number of worldwide mobile subscribers will reach 5.2 billion by 2011, Infonetics further suggest, while mobile broadband subscribers grow at a 104 percent compound annual growth rate from 2007 to 2011. At that point, there will be one cellular mobile broadband subscriber for every four wireline broadband subscribers.

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