Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Canadian's Take on U.S. Net Neutrality: Big Company Ploy to Squash Competition

The biggest companies in major markets generally tend to favor heavy-handed regulation, says a Canadian IT consultant.  That's why Google, among others, has spent tens of millions pushing for “net neutrality” regulations in the United States, he argues. That's an unusual twist on the debate. 
"Just go ahead and net neutrality on your own network and for your own users. Day one you’re going to find that net neutrality requires you to give incoming porn packets exactly the same forwarding priority on your network as text messages to sales or voice traffic for the CEO’s office - and as soon as you decide to block one set while giving the other a priority boost, you’ll have both demonstrated the fundamentally Orwellian nature of the whole net neutrality sales pitch and turned yourself into one of its opponents."

the full post

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