Friday, July 10, 2020

Big Cities have Best Broadband; Small Towns Tend to Have the Worst:Altman Solon Report

A new report by Altman Solon likely confirms what you would suspect, namely that the largest cities, with the greatest density and population, are least likely to feature municipal-owned networks, as private internet service providers have ample incentive to provide service. Conversely, small communities are the places where the incentives for private operators are lowest, and where municipal efforts are more common. 

source: Altman Solon

In communities with fewer than 1,000 total households, about 11 percent of the communities are “unserved,” defined as places where at least half of homes cannot buy internet access at speeds of 25 Mbps downstream. There are virtually no communities among tier one cities--with at least 100,000 households--where half of homes cannot buy 250 Mbps service.

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