Thursday, July 9, 2020

PTC Academy Now Offers IACET Continuing Education Credit

The PTC Academy offers professional training with an award of recognized continuing education credit to mid-career professionals upgrading their skills in the telecom industry. This year, for the first time, because of the global Covid-19 pandemic, the classroom course is being offered online. Sept. 14 to 30, in the Singapore time zone. 

Participants of this course (it is graded) will receive 1.2 Continuing Education Units administered by Submarine Telecoms Forum, an International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET)-accredited continuing education provider. Attendees also receive a PTC Academy Certificate of Completion.

The course features instruction on:

  • Business context of the telecom industry: the key changes since the monopoly era gave way to competition; structure of the industry and broader ecosystem, business, and revenue models; key customer trends, value chain roles, and functions; key industry issues including revenue, revenue growth, profit margins, product life cycles, product substitution, regulation, competition, and the impact of the Internet

  • How C-level executives can manage or benefit from over the top competition and opportunities

  • C-level perspectives on balancing stakeholder welfare (customers, employees, partners, and society)

  • Key issues and trends in data center and cloud computing, and how they affect communications

  • How C-level executives approach key revenue, competition, cost, and innovation challenges (workshop)

  • How mid-level managers can prepare for C-level advancement

  • Overview of the data center and cloud computing businesses; customers; products; growth

  • The connectivity business in an Internet era

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