Friday, July 17, 2020

Verizon Business, IBM Collaborate for Edge Computing

A new collaboration between Verizon Business and IBM illustrates the way 5G, multi-cloud support, edge computing, artificial intelligence, internet of things, “Industry 4.0,”  private networking are intrinsically related. 

The companies plan to combine Verizon’s 5G and Multi-access Edge Compute (MEC) capabilities, IoT devices and sensors at the edge, and IBM’s expertise in AI, hybrid multi cloud, edge computing, asset management and connected operations. 

source: IBM

The collaboration uses Verizon’s ThingSpace IoT Platform and Critical Asset Sensor solution (CAS) plus IBM’s Maximo Monitor with IBM Watson and advanced analytics. This effort has IBM supplying the needed analytics and multi-cloud computing support; Verizon the edge devices, access network and collocation facilities. 

source: IBM

IBM and Verizon are also working on potential combined solutions for 5G and MEC-enabled use cases such as near real-time cognitive automation for the industrial environment. 

Separately, Verizon says the 5G Future Forum will release its first technical specifications in the third quarter of 2020. The 5G Future Forum is a group of 5G service providers and suppliers working to  accelerate the delivery of Multi-access Edge Computing-enabled solutions around the world.

The 5G Future Forum was established in January 2020 by América Móvil, KT Corp., Rogers, Telstra, Verizon, and Vodafone.

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