Sunday, December 9, 2007

Text Messaging Growing 37% a Month

U.S. text messaging (SMS) traffic volumes have increased at least 37 percent a month since 2003, according to CTIA researchers. Usage also is significant across many age categories as well. About 19 percent of users are 18 to 24; 24 percent are between 25 and 34; 22 percent are between 35 and 54 and 19 percent are between 45 and 54.

As of December 2006, over 18.5 billion text messages are sent every month and that number has grown by 250 percent each year for the last two years.

Verizon Wireless anticipates the number of text messages sent by their users on their network to grow nearly five times from 400 million per month in July 2005 to over two billion per month next year.

1 comment:

Andrew Brinn said...

It would be essential to analize how much of this traffic is actually individual users, and how much is generated through applications, such as airline alerts, traffic alerts, weather alerts bank and others. More and more companies offer some sort of SMS info delivery, many of which are recurring. The couple of months I signed-up for traffic alets my incoming messages jumped from about 4/mo to 22.

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