Sunday, February 1, 2015

"You Have to be Part of Mobile"

The undersea capacity business is not generally viewed as a part of the telecommunications business where intimate knowledge of end user behavior makes a big practical difference.

That behavior is aggregated to a high level, so what a carrier really must know is “how much is needed,” from “one point to another.”

But that doesn’t mean there are no differences between today’s business, and yesterday’s. The model is “old business, new revenue,” according to Andrew Kwok, Hutchison Global Communications president, international and carrier business.

Talking recently about future revenue for his company and others in the space, Kwok said that “without mobile, you are in trouble: you have to be part of mobile.”

Internet traffic now dominates global bandwidth requirements, and content--especially video content--dominates Internet traffic. Increasingly, mobile also drives Internet traffic, growing 45 percent annually.

Much the same impact can be seen in data center traffic, which increasingly shapes global traffic glows.

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