Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Cisco Incorporates Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence) in New Network

Machine learning (artificial intelligence) continues to be deployed in practical ways, including by Cisco routers and networks.

Cisco calls this intent-based networking and it incorporates machine learning to “create an intuitive system that anticipates actions, stops security threats in their tracks, and continues to evolve and learn.”

At least in part, the new network is built for pervasive computing, supporting enormous scale in terms of devices. “The new network provides machine-learning at scale,” Cisco says.

“We must move to a place where we build technology that is intuitive from the start and continues to evolve and learn over time,” says Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins.

“The new network delivers a world where you can connect billions of devices, identify them almost instantly, know what’s trustworthy and what isn’t, and draw exponential value from the connections – and you can do it in hours instead of weeks and months,” Cisco says.

Intent-based networking supports “a network with a purpose, one that can think ahead.”

Interpreting data with the right context is what enables the network to provide new, more meaningful insights, Cisco argues.

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