Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Millimeter Wave Moves to "Permissionless Innovation" Model

There are many ways spectrum use is moving away from command and control methods of allocation in the U.S. and other markets. As with Wi-Fi, spectrum users now are allowed rather wide flexibility of use case, devices and business models.

In other ways, spectrum sharing now contributes to that trend. The Citizens Broadband Radio Service allows blocks of spectrum to be shared between primary license holders and commercial secondary users, plus tertiary users who have best effort access on the Wi-Fi model.

TV white spaces systems use databases to allocate users and avoid interference, without fixed rules about who may use specific blocks of spectrum, and when.

As millimeter wave spectrum is released for commercial use, the Federal Communications Commission will issue flexible-use licenses as well as release huge amounts of unlicensed spectrum.

Flexible-use licenses will allow licensees to continue to innovate. Without the requirement to use particular technologies or supply particular applications.

In other words, policy is aligning to support “permissionless innovation.”

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SpaceX Starship Main Booster Recovery

 Never seen the SpacerX Starship booster rocket return process. Amazing.