Sunday, June 11, 2017

Video Drives 67% of Global Internet Traffic

The evolution of capacity demand in the telecom business is very easy to describe: voice, tlso hen data, now video.

Video will represent 80 percent of all Internet traffic by 2021, up from 67 percent in 2016, says Cisco.

Globally, there will be nearly 1.9 billion Internet video users (excluding mobile-only) by 2021, up from 1.4 billion in 2016. The world also will reach three trillion Internet video minutes per month by 2021, which is five million years of video per month, or about one million video minutes every second.

Emerging mediums such as live Internet video will increase 15-fold and reach 13 percent of Internet video traffic by 2021 -- meaning more streaming of TV apps and personal live streaming on social networks. While live streaming video is reshaping today's online entertainment patterns, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are also gaining traction. By 2021, VR/AR traffic will increase 20-fold and represent one percent of global entertainment traffic.

source: Cisco

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SpaceX Starship Main Booster Recovery

 Never seen the SpacerX Starship booster rocket return process. Amazing.