Thursday, May 23, 2019

Average Household Data Consumption Reaches 274 GB

The OpenVault Broadband Industry report, a quarterly report that reflects broadband usage based on the aggregate consumption of millions of subscribers in the United States and Europe, shows that overall average monthly data usage reached a new high of 273.5 GB in the first quarter of 2019, a year-over-year increase of 27 percent over the first quarter 2018 monthly average of 215.4 GB.

Internet-only subscribers consumed 395.7 GB, more than 120 GB more than the average subscriber and almost double the 209.5 GB consumed by households that purchase a bundle of video and Internet services.

The percentage of power users, defined as subscribers who consume 1 TB or more of data per month, doubled to 4.2 percent of all subscribers in Q1 2019 from 2.1 percent in Q1 2018.

“Power users of the future,” described as tusers exceeding 2 TB of consumption each month,  more than doubled to 0.38 percent in Q1 2019 from 0.16 percent the year prior.

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