Tuesday, May 21, 2019

U.S. Consumers Do Not Like Their ISPs. Price is Not the Issue

With the caveat that progress in terms of speed is improving very rapidly in the U.S. market, when adjusting for purchasing power parity, internet access in developed countries is not expensive. In this study of 2010 prices, developed country internet access costs were among the lowest in the world.

In 2016, that still was the case. Of a sampling of developed nations, adjusting for purchasing power, U.S. prices were among the lowest of the highlighted countries. But some studies show speeds and costs vary widely by city.

Still, for reasons I cannot explain (others might cite slow speeds, high prices, poor customer services, reliability) internet service providers consistently rank at the bottom of industries for customer satisfaction.

That did not change in 2018, apparently. ISPs as an industry “remain at the bottom of the ACSI rankings, unchanged at a score of 62” out of a possible score of 100.  

Mediacom improved satisfaction most in 2018, with consumer satisfaction scores up six percent, in an industry whose scores were unchanged in 2018, compared to 2017. That is partly a reflection of its status as the ISP with the worse satisfaction scores in the ISP category.

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