Wednesday, May 8, 2019

U.K. Internet Speeds Climb 20%

New Ofcom research reveals average U.K. broadband speeds have jumped nearly 20 percent over the last year.

Ofcom's annual home broadband performance report shows that, for the first time, the average download speeds people receive has passed the 50 Mbps mark.

Upload speeds, which are increasingly important as more people look to work from home or share videos online, have also increased – up 15 percent to 7.2 Mbps. Both download and upload speeds have more than doubled in the last five years, according to Ofcom.

The fastest speeds recorded in the research were from Virgin Media’s VIVID 350 cable package, with average peak time speeds hitting 360.2 Mbps. BT’s 300 Mbps full-fiber package was second fastest, with an average peak time speed of 300.6 Mbps. This package was top for average peak time upload speeds at 48.8 Mbps, Ofcom says.
In 2018 the average download speed was 54.2 Mbit/s and the average upload speed was 7.2 Mbit/s.

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