Monday, April 27, 2020

Cable Competition Limits FTTH Market Share

According to IDATE and the Fiber to the Home Council Europe, U.K. coverage of fiber to home or building is about 15 percent of locations. Take rates--customers who actually buy service on those connections, is about 18 percent. In other words, it appears that less than one in five locations able to buy a fiber access service actually do so. 

source: IDATE

In France, about 57 percent of locations can buy. About 45 percent do so, IDATE data suggests. Though the percentages change, the same pattern holds elsewhere: offered the ability to buy fiber access service, only about 40 percent of potential customers do so. 

That might seem odd, but competition from cable TV operators helps explain the numbers. Across Europe, at the end of 2017, at least 36 percent of European homes could buy cable TV service, and a substantial number of those likely could buy internet access service from the cable operator as well. In 2017, for example, there were more than 37 million cable TV-supplied internet access accounts in service. 

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