Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ad Market Recovery in 2010?

Perhaps we all are anticipating too much "normalcy" from the current recession and recovery. But PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) expects a 2010 recovery.

PwC says worldwide advertising spending will reach $421 billion 2009.

The bad news is that figure is down 12.1% from 2008, which saw $479 billion in spending.

Fortunately, PwC expects the online and mobile (which it treats as one category) and video game ad spaces to rebound in 2010 with five-year compound annual growth rates of 7.7% and 13.8%, respectively.

PwC expects all global media markets to see a rise in spending by 2012. Recovery will not be evenly spread around the world, however. Total ad spending in North America compounded annually will decrease by 1.6% from 2009 to 2013.

Online, mobile and video game advertising will see 6.4% and 13% compound annual growth rates, respectively, over the five-year period.

Online and mobile advertising spending, down in 2009, will rebound in 2010. North America will see overall advertising spending rise in 2011.

Ninety-four percent of North American advertising spending will come from the United States.

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