Saturday, July 11, 2009

U.S. Online Advertising Grows One Percent a Year

The Internet’s share of total media ad spending is rising by at least one percentage point every year, partly because marketers are spending more on Internet ads, and less on ads in traditional media.

As often is the case for businesses with a key technology component, productivity improvements are not captured accurately by retail prices or spending.

Online advertising works better than offline media, so campaigns sometimes, perhaps most of the time, can be run for less money than has been the case in the past. As the shift to online media continues, overall advertising spending by brands can decline even as effectiveness increases.

In the United States, eMarketer projects that the online share of ad dollars will grow from nearly 10 percent this year to slightly more than 15 percemt in 2013.


MellyMel said...


It will be interesting to see how Telco's take this. How are they morphing into different areas not just, Paid Search. I'd be interested in hearing how others are using multivariate testing to vlaidate their medis buys.

MellyMel said...


It would be interesting to see how Telcos are using their dollars online, not just on SEO, etc. I'd love to know if any are using MVT to test validity of key terms.

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