Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tesco Abandons VoIP Market

U.K. retailer Tesco, which began selling consumer VoIP service in 2006, now is pulling the plug, though it will continue to sell mobile service. Without reading more into the news than is warranted, the move is illustrative of the fact that consumer VoIP might be less an innovation than some had hoped for, and certaintly is a less-robust business than anticipated, especially compared to mobile service, at least for the moment.

That is not to say other competitors, with different assets, can fare better. But the April 27, 2010 shutoff at least suggests that the "VoIP" market has not proven to be the lucrative business Tesco once believed it was, given its ability to support and market the business, as well as the evolution of end user demand, which arguably has tipped in the direction of mobility.

Earlier in the last decade, there was much more apparent optimism that fixed-line VoIP would "change telephony forever," creating significant new opportunities for non-traditional providers.

One might argue that VoIP's primary impact has been to accelerate voice price erosion, without creating a significant new market, though it has been the way cable operators have taken market share from telcos.

Tesco says "trends in technology have moved forward since we launched Internet phone so that this is no longer a sustainable service". One might infer that means mobility now is the "hot" service.

"Tesco Internet Phone" was basically a Skype-style PC offering, though the supermarket did offer a Vonage-style terminal adapter version as well.

That is not to say further innovation in voice services is impossible, or in fact unlikely. There will be advances. The issue is whether the scale, impact and economic importance of such voice innovations is going to approach the advances being made in mobility, broadband, Internet and Web services.

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