Thursday, April 1, 2010

Interest in Content Marketing Grows, Especially in Mobile Context

There are two huge takeaways from Junta42's new survey of 250 marketing professionals in North America: the dramatic growth of content marketing and the upsurge of interest in mobile content (blogs, social networks, video, newsletters, white papers, webinars, podcasts, custom events, magazines and so forth).

(click images for larger view)

Approximately 10 percent of marketers already are leveraging content through mobile applications and 38 percent say mobile content is something they need to know more about. Of all content marketing areas, only mobile marketing rose year over year re: educational needs, says Junta42.

56 percent of companies plan to increase budgets for mobile marketing in 2010 and a hike of 17 percent in 2010 marketing budgets will be funded by drawing money away from traditional channels such as print.

For the third straight year, marketers are planning to spend significantly more on their content marketing efforts in 2010 and 59 percent of marketing professionals surveyed plan to increase their spending on content initiatives, compared to 56 percent in 2009 and 42 percent in 2008.

Content marketing comprises 33 percent of the total marketing budget, in fact. Smaller companies are spending more on their content marketing as a percentage of budget than larger companies. Small
companies (less than 99 employees) spend approximately 40 percent of their total budget on content initiatives.

Larger companies (100 employees or more) spend an average of 18 percent of their budget for content marketing.


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