Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Google Fiber Formally Asks 3 More Cities to Work on Qualifying for Google Fiber

Google Fiber says it has  invited Oklahoma City, Okla., Jacksonville, Fla. and Tampa, Fla. to explore bringing Google Fiber to their communities, as it did in September, inviting officials in Irvine, Calif., Louisville and San Diego to work with Google on a standard checklist of items Google Fiber uses to assess market viability.

That normally includes a detailed study of matters that affect construction, such as local topography, housing density, and the condition of existing infrastructure.

Cities also must complete a checklist of items—such as providing a map of utility lines—that Google Fiber insists are prerequisites.

Those of you familiar with the history of the U.S. competitive local exchange carrier business will see the pattern here. Many U.S. CLECs, exploring communities where it was favorable to commence operations, also stayed away from the major metro areas (“NFL cities”) and instead picked tier two cities.

The same logic appears to make sense for Google Fiber.

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