Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Most Firms are "Average" for Customer Experience

The Forrester Research 2019 “U.S. Customer Experience Index,” a study of customer experience for 260 brands in 16 industries, looks like a classic “Bell curve,” or standard distribution or standard deviation, where 50 percent of the distribution lies to the left of the mean and 50 percent lies to the right of the mean.

Simply put, the Forrester data suggests most firms are close to “average” in customer-reported experience. Roughly two thirds of firms are rated “okay.” About 16 percent get “good” or “poor” ratings. A very-small percentage get “excellent” or “very poor” ratings.

No executive or employee probably enjoys being “average.” Most firms tend to say their customer service, or customer satisfaction is good or excellent or at least better than most of its competitors and peers. The Forrester Research tends to confirm that customers do not see matters that way.

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